Monday, June 15, 2009

A simple question

Spent some time reading through a bunch of comments on Anne Jackson's blog this morning. Some great thoughts and some I didn't agree with. That's okay though. She asked a simple question that I feel needs to be asked. What do you feel you can't say in church? So let me hear your real thoughts. If you could honestly say what was on your mind, what would it be? Here are a couple of mine to get the ball rolling.

  • Seriously, quit playing the game. I don't want to see another fake smile today. If you can't be real here, please find somewhere else that you can.
  • I am not responsible for fixing your kid. I will love them, but you have got to do the hard work as well.
  • I don't like singing hymns. They are boring and most of the wording seems strange to me.
  • If a sermon is boring or sucks, can we just be honest about it and say so. Not everyone who preaches is that interesting to me. And honestly what the Greek translation says doesn't really help me all that much most of the time.

What would you say if the filter was removed? Also why isn't this the norm anyway?


Jamie said...

I want to me able to bring my whole life and baggage into the church building so I can work through it there in community, kind of like people do in the psalms and the way people do when they pray prayers when their desperate. I don't understand that if God already knows these things about me, and even commands me to be real with him , (and each other) why not in the community?

If I don't know the answer to something (especially theologically) I want to be able to admit that. And I don't want to be pressured into the party line.

Ditto the "I can't fix you sentiment". My job is to come along side you ( or your kids) and help you see things that maybe you can't see yourself, carry loads, love, support, encourage, with the plan always a redirect to the work that has to be done between you and God.

It's never ok to hate people, even if your irritated by them. And please be careful with how you bring your politics and Jesus together.

I have more but I have to be careful how far I let myself go for my own sake.

brian said...

I got one...
"Why are you here?"