Monday, June 8, 2009


A friend of mine sent me some of his thoughts from his journaling about the adoption process that he and his wife are going through. One of the things that I noticed and keep coming back to is the passion he displays for their daughter that they are in the process of adopting. The longing for a child that they have never met. The reoccurring dreams about a little girl that they have yet to hold. The desire and passion to bring her into their family. The love that is so overwhelming at times that he can't think about anything else as they work through the slow process of bringing her home.

The thing I keep thinking is shouldn't this be the type of passion that I have for people who are separated from Jesus? We talk about loving others in some theoretical way, but this is the type of love that I can see and think we are suppose to have. A love so intense for people we don't even know. A desire to bring them into our lives and care for them. We are rarely willing to show that kind of love for those who we already know let alone those that we don't even know their names. What would our churches look like if we had such a love for people that it invaded our dreams and constantly occupied our thoughts? Isn't this the type of love that God has for us? Even when we don't know Him, He is longing to be with us. If we are to reflect Jesus, then shouldn't this be one of the characteristics we have?

1 comment:

brianj33 said...

To answer your rhetorical question - yes. This is the passion we should have. But sometimes "should" is far from reality for me.
I appreciate the thoughts & I'm gonna chew on them for a while.