Friday, July 31, 2009

It is Friday again

Friday - must mean it is time for some random thoughts.
  • Today is Lisa's birthday! Let the celebration and fun begin. It is one of those milestone birthdays that end in a nice round number. Realized this morning that we have now been together (dating/married) for half of her life. (Not quite there for half of mine yet. Sucks to be the oldest in my group of friends. Well, except for Shane, who is a whopping 17 days older than me.) Happy birthday!
  • Played some tennis last night for the first time in over a month (yeah, only I could injure my hand in the most non-contact sport ever). It was great. The weather was incredible (How often can you say that in Oklahoma in July?) and the conversation was too. I love getting to know people better and learning more about them. The tennis was actually pretty good as well (Well, except for the first game of the second match. The layoff between sets doesn't really help our game any.)
  • Wonder if I spend my time investing in the wrong people? Ever wonder about things like that? Strange how some people that barely cross your path in life can be more appreciative of the time you give than those you have spent more time investing in. I don't get it, but that isn't anything new.
  • Busy weekend for us. Big Splash with the family this afternoon. Lisa and I are going out tonight for her birthday. In-laws coming in tomorrow to take Lisa out for her birthday. Refrigerator friends over Saturday night (minus at least one - we will miss you again!). Church Sunday and helping a good friend move into her house that afternoon.
  • Wonder if I spend enough time being quiet? That word (quiet) has been bouncing around in my head the last couple of days. Don't know if it means I am suppose to be listening or if it means I am not suppose to be talking about some things. Kind of leaning towards that it means I am suppose to let some people figure out things on their own and not say anything. I like to reflect on things most of the time but sometimes I just want the answer without having to go through all of the hard work.

So a couple of question for you. (Yes, if you have all the way to this point in the post that means you.) What would you like to see discussed more on here? Anything that is discussed too much? Anything on here that has been particularly helpful for you?

Have an awesome weekend! Now find 7 people to hug before the end of the day. (You AZero people know what I'm talking about.)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Shift in attitude

Reality check - you probably have it better than you than you think. I was in one of those moods were I was really frustrated with certain people in my life. Ready to say "Screw it, I'm tired of caring". That was my mindset (Aren't you glad you weren't hanging out with me last night?) when I got together with a couple of guys that I meet with. As I listened to them talk, my mindset changed from "Man, life sucks!" to "Man, I have so much to be thankful for!". I listened to them talk about their families (dysfunctional is probably an understatement). I listened as they talked about how month to month they don't know if they will have electricity in their homes. I listened as they talked about trying to figure life out on their own with little support from those that should be their biggest supporters. I listened as they talked about scrapping by. And I listened as they talked about the incredible hunger they have for God in their lives. That don't have it all figured out, but they get the big picture (at least some of the time). They talked about how thankful they are for their friends who encourage them (strange as some of that encouragement looks) and how amazing God is. They might not have much from someone looking at their lives from the outside, but their heart is thankful for the important things. Does it change that people frustrate me? No, but it did change my attitude to one that looks for the things that I can be thankful for instead of the things that I think I might be missing. Sometimes changing our perspective can make a huge difference in how we see our lives. What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The slow drift

I'm not sure even how to organize my thoughts right now, but I keep wondering what happened. In high school and college I had two really close friends. One was the best man in my wedding and the other was one of my groomsmen. We knew each other really well and had lots of fun together. (That is probably an understatement.) One of them practically lived at my house for several years. I considered them my brothers. Fast forward to now. I just read last week on facebook that one of them is getting divorced after almost 15 years of marriage. My heart hurts for them as a couple and also because I realized that I have let that friendship drift to where I don't even know him any more. It has been probably at least 6 or 7 years since we last talked. We used to touch base through phone calls and e-mails but those became more sporadic over time. We simply drifted due to the busyness of life. It wasn't intentional and maybe that was the problem. A relationship, whether it is a friend or a spouse, takes you being intentional about it. The last time I talked to my other friend has been about as long. Ironically, he showed up in my life again briefly after he went through a divorce and then slowly proceeded to drift out again. These were guys that I was in their weddings. People I used to count as my closest friends.

So what is the answer? I don't like when I've been told that is just life. People will pass through that are only there for a season. I don't like those answers. I don't ever approach a friendship going in thinking - oh well this might be good for awhile but if our friendship drifts apart, that is okay. For me, it means I am intentional. It means I continue to make every effort I can. I get frustrated when I feel a friendship is one sided or is taken for granted, but I don't want to simply allow it to drift. I hurt for those guys. I don't know how to undo the slow drift that has occurred, but I can try my best to keep it from happening again. How intentional are you in investing in the people in your life?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Random observation

Have a friend who once told me that he gets tired of reading some blogs because they tend to say the same thing every time. I agree. Some blogs I have quit reading because it was like the same post every day (usually it is the ones that I feel are promoting themselves), but today I realized as I was reading through some of my favorites (I suggest you read today's post at and that what appears to be repetition may actually be their passion coming through. What you are passionate about permeates most of what you do. For me, no matter what I start out writing about it will still usually involve something about either relationships, community or leadership. Those are some of things I am passionate about so they overflow into my conversations, my thoughts, the things I write about. Try this the next time you read one of your favorite blogs - play a game of where's Waldo. Look for that theme (that would be Waldo for you that haven't caught on yet) that runs throughout their thoughts. See if you hear their heart speaking each time they write about that subject. Maybe you don't blog, but do you find yourself coming back to the same thoughts, ideas, and passions in your life? Just a random observation of something I had never really though about before.

Too busy?

Are we too busy? Too busy to slow down and enjoy life. Running from one thing to the next. Juggling the people in our lives like they are one more obligation to manage. Making time for the unimportant while neglecting the important. I know we have seasons in our lives where things can be crazy. I have lived through those seasons and they can be draining. But what happens when we stay busy all of the time. Never slowing down to reflect, not taking the time to invest in people, chasing after something that doesn't really fulfill us, realizing too late that those around us are gone, wondering how we drifted so far away from God. It isn't very hard to get there. We wake up and all of the sudden we realize we can't remember the last time we had a real talk with our wives that didn't revolve around the kids, or work, or finances. We realize the friends we used to talk with about our dreams, the people we used to have fun together with, they no longer call. The job we invest so much of our time in decides to go in a different direction and we become unnecessary. The "must see" show that we manage to watch every week goes off the air.

Been reading through Ecclesiastes recently. It talks a lot about what we chase after. We each have 24 hour in a day. We all have the same amount to invest. Are you spending yours wisely? Are you investing in the things that matter or the things that squeak the loudest? Pause a moment and think about the important things to you, do those match with where your time is spent? If not, what are you going to do about it? Do you need to call someone? Make time to take your spouse out on a date and really talk? Spend some time listening to God? You will have a lot of things clamoring for you attention, but you get to decide how you will invest your 24 hours today.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Experimenting in life

This question struck me this morning while reading - what would things like if we treated life like an experiment? An experiment gives you the freedom to try things a little differently, to mix up the pieces, to say what if...

Most people generally strive for a routine. We like the known and comfortable. But really isn't it in the unknown and uncomfortable where we usually learn and grow. Would things look different in our lives if we approached things with a little more wonder? What if we treated each day as a chance to be creative in how we approach the world?

What would worship look like if we experienced it in a new way? (see my brother-in-law's thoughts today on worship as a celebration at What would our relationships look like if we asked - how can I invest in this relationship in a completely new way? Not take it for granted, but look for ways to mix it up and experience life in a whole new way.

Not change just for change, but to make things better. So where can you mix it up? Don't worry if it doesn't go like you expect, tomorrow you can experiment in whole different way if you want.

Friday, July 24, 2009


When was the last time you did something that required you to stretch your faith? How do you respond to something that challenges your perspective? Do you look for these types of things or avoid them at all cost? If you are like me, you probably enjoy the known and comfortable. Oh, you might not like some of the known situations you are in, but it can be easier than stepping out into the unknown. I wonder if our faith is kind of like our muscles? If our muscles aren't used or stretched, they eventually become restricted in movement and not usable to their full potential. Shouldn't we be looking for things to be involved in that only God could do? To me faith by definition requires it to be something I can't accomplish on my own. If I know I can do it, is that really requiring much faith on my part? So who or what challenges your perspective? Who helps stretch your faith? Lots of questions today. Curious about what is happening in your lives right now.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Warning: This may be hazardous to your health!

I've decided perception is a funny thing. It doesn't really matter what reality is, what matters is how someone perceives it because that is reality to them. How do you get around that perception gap when it is something that really matters?

Thought about putting some random quotes (or quotes taken out of context) that I've heard form some friends recently, but decided the risk of the return favor far outweighs the risk. Trust me they are funny in a twisted kind of way. You that have been spared (because I would have named names) consider that my gift to you for the day. Blackmail is such a mean threat to hold over my head.

How do you best express your creativity? Is it music? Art? Writing? That part of God is one of my favorites. To see the vivid imagination and creativity He displays is breathtaking and sometimes funny. Those who see Him as a strict rule-maker or cosmic killjoy need to look around at the creativity he is demonstrating every day.

Laughter is way underrated. We take ourselves too serious sometimes. Life can be serious, but it should also be fun in the process.

I'm handing out my first award on here - the best unofficial blogger award. It goes to Jamie for sharing with me his thoughts that my entries may have prompted (or whatever is on his mind at the time). I love that it is more than me rambling, it may actually be a conversation taking place. The others of you who occasionally check in here, feel free to let you voice be heard as well. The comment button on the bottom of the entry is easy to use and not really that scary. Or it could be that Jamie is my only reader. Either way, congrats to Jamie on winning this prestigious award!

Until my next rambling...

Gentle bluntness

How do you deal with confrontation? How do you approach it when you are the one who needs to confront? How do you receive confrontation? I was talking with a friend last night about how to deal with some tough issues. As we were talking about a variety of things, it struck me that gentle bluntness is how I best receive and hopefully deal with confrontation. I need people who will bluntly tell me when I have sinned or am out of line. But with that blunt honesty, I also need them to be gentle and not crush me. Can you confront and also encourage at the same time? Is it possible to point out the issue without being too soft about the problem, but at the same time building up the other person? It is tough. I know there are people who have gently pushed me. Bluntly challenged me to move forward, but at the same time been an encourager in my life. For me, confronting someone is tougher. I often know when I need to, but it sometimes takes awhile to build up the courage to say something. I ask questions and try to push gently, challenging them to discover the areas they may not see or are ignoring. There are a few people who I can be truly transparent with and challenge or confront knowing it will be received well. So would you rather confront or be confronted? (Neither isn't an option.) Who in your life does the tough job of being willing to challenge you? Can you be gentle and blunt at the same time?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Running like a Porsche

A few thoughts inspired from what I read in "Deadly Viper" By Mike Foster and Jud Wilhite today. It is about relationships. Sometimes we run so hard and so fast that we burn out. We neglect the important. We forget that we need to stay healthy - mentally, spiritually and physically - over the long haul. Here is how Warren Buffett defines success - "If people get to my age and they have the people love them that they want to have love them, they're successful." It isn't about the money, fame, power, any of that... it is about the relationships. Want to pace yourself for the run? Here is your challenge. Make a list of the top five people in your life. Find out how those individuals feel. Ask them honestly. You will disappoint some people. We can't be all things to all people. But you can prioritize your family and friendships and become more concerned about not disappointing them. Relationships take a lot of work and care. Do you want a high-end performance marriage or friendship like a Porsche? Then it requires high maintenance and regular tune-ups. Work to make sure it is running at its peak performance. You need to take really good care of it and not neglect it. Treat those relationships like a Porsche and not your dad's Ford Taurus. A Ford you can find every day and will probably neglect it over time, but a Porsche you want running at top speed and not worrying about it breaking down. What relationships need some maintenance? Are you willing to invest the time and work? Long-term it is all about the relationships in your life.


Are you a sprinter or a long-distance runner? We are called to be long-distance runners, but we as the Church seem to cater to the sprinters. Long-distance running isn't glamorous. It takes times. It takes consistency and endurance. Sprinting is a little more flashy. It is quick and gathers more attention. We want the sprint, but have been told to prepare for the long-distance race. Been running long in your pursuit of Jesus? Look around you. Have those you started out with still around or have they quit the race?

In Hebrews 12 it says "Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed - that exhilarating finish in and with God - he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever." One of the keys to long distance running is having the right focus. For us as Christians, that is Jesus. Study the way he ran the race.

On a slightly different note, Hebrews also says "Strip down, start running - and never quit!" I find this mental image rather funny. Do you ever wonder if the writers of the Bible had a slightly twisted sense of humor? I find this encouraging as when I read sometimes I just have to say "No way. That is in the Bible?" Maybe it is just my warped view of things (highly possible). Seems to support my take on the pursuit of nakedness though (see my post from September 24, 2008 about pursuing being naked if you are curious). Have an incredible day training for the race!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

To be or to do?

"I've found myself so easily wrapped in doing, that I've strayed away from being." This is a quote in Anne Jackson's blog titled "Are You Hooked? The Christian Designer Drug"

The culture of doing one more good thing as our quick fix instead of spending time with Jesus. There is always one more thing we can do to temporarily fill that hole when we feel guilty or feel a little empty in our lives. We opt for the convenient instead of the eternal. When we are connected with Him, then we do things out of that abundance. The activities aren't filling the holes we have, they are from the overflow of the time spent being restored and loved by God.

We run around like headless chickens. Running randomly, searching for the next quick fix. We don't look at the big picture and rest in Him. We substitute the cheap - showing up for a church service, squeeze in some Bible reading, pray a quick prayer - things we can check off our list, instead of stopping and being. We run until we are exhausted and burned out. Then we decide to stop and focus on the truly important. Are you busy doing today or being?

Where is your focus?

Why is it so much easier to focus on what we DON'T bring to the table versus what we can? I see that I am not as young, not as cool (probably not even the right word to use anymore), not as athletic, not as wise, not as experienced, not as talented, not... you get the picture. Those are the things I can't do, but what can I do? Where can I speak, where can I listen, where can I ask questions, where can I help someone, where can I love, where do I use what I can bring to the table to help someone find more of Jesus? I don't have to do anything special, but point to the one who is. What have you told yourself you aren't qualified to do? Where have you said it is impossible for you to go? Jesus never looks at what we can't do, but just asks us to do what we were created to do. Sometimes, I wish I was created to do some of those other things (definitely wouldn't mind being cool or athletic), but I am responsible for the things I have been given. What are you bringing to the table? Don't know what that is, then ask those around you. Sometimes I just need to adjust my focus. How about you?

Three random things... or are they random?

Wow! It has been one of those mornings that has my brain going in so many different directions... and that is a good thing. (Shanna this would be where you say "I like where your head is at!") Here is a snapshot of my thoughts pushed by three different things - reading Hebrews 11, reading some from "Deadly Viper: Character Assassins" by Mike Foster and Jud Wilhite, and good conversation with a friend over coffee (really it was water for me as I don't drink coffee...maybe some day when I grow up).
  • Seriously, have you read Hebrews 11 recently? The faith chapter. These are the who's who of faith. Some names you easily recognize and then this "We have stories of those who were stoned, sawed in two, murdered in cold blood; stories of vagrants wandering the earth in animal skins, homeless, friendless, powerless - the world didn't deserve them! - making their way as best they could on the cruel edges of the world." "The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see." Need some encouragement on what God can accomplish when we act in faith? Incredible part of the story playing out... their faith and our faith working towards the completion. I wonder what God has planned for my part of the story playing out? I wonder what God has planned for your part of the story?
  • "Deadly Viper" is the type of book that I would like to write. It is funny, straight to the point and makes you think. It is about being a leader of character and integrity. It talks about the need to have others investing in your life and character development. Some questions asked from what I've read so far - When was the last time you had a completely honest conversation about your struggles with someone that you trust? Do you know the dreams of your friends? Do you know their frustrations? Do you know their strengths? Love these questions. Can you answer them honestly?
  • Had coffee with Lane this morning. It was our typical random conversation from the unimportant (Why is there red in that picture of the leaves? It is distracting.), the philosophical (question about how we see the life of Gandhi and do we maybe have it wrong), the needed (honest conversation about our lives) and the funny (I'll leave this one to your imagination).

The funny thing to me is that all three things tie so perfectly together in my mind. I have several people in my life (in no particular order, other than my wife first, Lane, Brian, Jeff, Shanna, Shane, Chris & Andrea and probably a couple of others) who I see as having the faith talked about in Hebrews 11. Interestingly enough most of these people are the same ones investing in my life and character development as well. The ones I have community with (like conversations about life over coffee) and who challenge me in my faith. I like it when it is so easily highlighted like that and I can clearly see it. Who are those people in your life? Do they know it? They should. Tell them today.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Who is surrounding you?

What is that question that makes you cringe? What is the topic that when it is preached about on Sunday that you try your hardest to ignore because you know you need to hear it? Maybe it is just me that has those areas that I know I need to address but don't want to. I pretend they aren't there, try to convince myself that it isn't as bad as it is by comparing it to someone else's sin, looking for the loophole that let's me keep on doing it the way I am... looking for the person who will tell me what I want to hear, not what I need to hear.

Probably one of my best traits is that I have good discernment in the people I surround myself with. I have several people who tell me what I need to hear because they love me enough to do that. The ones who tell you what you want to hear are a dime a dozen. Take the time to find the rare ones... the ones who will do the hard work with you. So who is pouring into you? Are they asking you the hard questions? No one challenging you? Maybe it is time to find someone who will.

A look back and moving forward

Feels strange to be writing a post here after taking a break last week while we were on vacation. That is two out of the last three weeks that I haven't blogged or even been on the computer. A huge break considering that since I started blogging on here about 11 months ago that I have posted over 230 entries. I recently looked back at some of those older posts and love seeing the journey that I have been on over the last year. Some good memories, some rough times, several books read, and lots of life. It is kind of like when I was swimming in the ocean last week. I would look up and wonder how I had gotten so far down the beach from where I started. It was a gradual move, but lots of fun in the process. It is good to sometimes stop and see where you have been on your journey so far. Those look backs at where you have been in order to prepare you for where you are heading.

This morning I took another step in that journey. One of those tougher steps. I asked God to examine my heart and show me where I need to make changes and where I have sin in my life. Show me through what I read, the people in my life, the circumstances that I encounter, whatever means work best. It is scary to ask for that and to open yourself up to be put under the spotlight. I know that God knows our hearts anyway, but to ask Him to reveal those things means I can't pretend they don't exist. My selfishness... laid out on the table. My motives... examined for the true purpose of them. If we are going to pursue God, then it means we do it intentionally. Chasing after something doesn't happen by chance. It becomes our focus. Our only focus. Discipline required and no excuses accepted. Sound difficult? Yeah, it is. That is why it is called the narrow road. Wanting a nice leisurely stroll in your faith? Somehow I don't think that is the same thing as pursuing God with all of your heart, mind and strength.

Vacation was good. Now it is time to jump back in with both feet and start chasing with all I've got. Wonder what the next year is going to look like?

Friday, July 10, 2009


Exhausted as I tried to get moving this morning. Strangely though that is good thing. One of my favorite things is having those late night/early morning conversations that you know will change your perspective, deepen your friendship and impact who you are becoming. So I gladly crawl out of bed exhausted after a mere 3 or 4 hours of sleep knowing that whatever sleep I gave up was well worth the investment. Conversation that is raw and transparent. Encouraging words that build us up. Laughter as we talk about random things and our warped view of life (okay maybe I am just the twisted one, but still...) Learning from each other how to better serve God and make a Kingdom impact. This is community. This is what matters. Why does it happen so rarely?

I am so grateful to have an incredible wife who I not only love, but also is part of my community. Several close friends who teach me by their example about what community looks life in our day to day lives. Last night was a glimpse of what is coming and I am so energized by that. The thing is that I know when my friend I was talking with last night moves half way across the world that I can still experience community with him. Why bother with the trivial things? Who is shaping your community? Risk putting yourself out there. I don't think you will regret it.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Amazing people

Realized again today that I am surrounded by some incredible people. Yesterday was one of those days that I would rather forget... a day that sucked. Can't think of any nicer way to say it. One of the toughest days that I have had in awhile. But today I had some friends who took the time to listen, care for me and pray for me. I don't know how the Lone Ranger type people survive. I am constantly reminded of how much I need community in my life. People who stand beside me, people who challenge me, people who speak truth into my life...those friends who love me where I am at. They give unconditionally and I am richer for it. Hopefully, when they have that day that is less than stellar, I can be the one who returns the love. Community can be tough at times, but it can also be a glimpse of what we are suppose to be as the Church when we get it right. To those who took the time to give to me today, THANK YOU! I don't say it often enough but you show and teach me what community is about. Thanks for continuing to invest in me.

Standing and waiting to jump

Stepping out into the unknown can be scary. There are so many things that can go wrong. There are so many things that are out of your control. Hard to have a plan B if it doesn't work out because you really don't know what you are getting into. I was thinking about when Jesus asked his disciples to follow him. He didn't give them a detailed agenda of what to expect, all of the possible scenarios they may face, a checklist of things to do, and there wasn't a plan B that I am aware of. He simply asked them to follow him. Pretty much the same thing he asks of us. Are you willing to trust at that level and just step out there? Been wrestling with this question - Is it really faith if you have to have all of the details planned out? Sometimes we don't move because we are waiting for more details. We need to control the situation better. We want to make sure our ducks are all in row before we jump in. Is that faith? To me that takes most, if not all, of the trust out of the equation. I have committed to doing some things that I have no idea how they are going to turn out. I can tell you that with no idea of how they are going to turn out that I am learning to trust a lot more. Scary? You bet, but also kind of exciting to know that I am moving forward and waiting to see what God has planned. Where do you need to just follow? Come on and jump in. It might be a wild ride, but isn't life suppose to be that way?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Removing the problem

How do you switch the focus from yourself to others? How do you remove your own selfishness and become selfless? I read how Jesus lived and his non-stop love for others and feel I fall so short of that. That is what I feel we are called to be but at the same time the biggest obstacle in getting there is me. I want what benefits me more than caring about how to serve others. Sometimes I get it right, but more often than not it still comes back to my selfish desires. How do you remove yourself from the equation and bring the spotlight onto the needs of others? I desire to be selfless, I just suck at doing it. When do you feel you are best at being selfless?

Rain, sun and rainbows

Strange mixture as I drove into work this morning - sometimes heavy rain, spots of sunshine and a slight glimpse of a rainbow. Reminded me of where I am often at in life. Life can be overwhelming at times, seem like a never-ending bad story line, and just plain hard. Other times it feels like the summer breaks you remember as a kid, that you are content with where you are at in life, and you are surrounded by good friends and enjoying life. Then there is the rainbow. Sometimes it obvious and easily seen, other times it takes some intense looking and you might only catch a glimpse of it then. The rainbow is only seen with the combination of the rain and sunshine. It takes both. God is kind of like that. He is there in both the rain and the sunshine of life. Sometimes He is easy to spot while other times it might require you to look hard past the rain. I think often times we only see God in one of these times. Maybe it is when life is rough that you seek to find Him. Maybe you are reminded of Him when things are going great in your life. The reality is that He is there in both of them. It is an awesome sight to see. Look hard today and see if you see the rainbow in the mixture of rain and sunshine in your life.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What do you need to be doing?

I have a tendency to be reflective at times. A little more quiet than usual as I process and observe the things going on around me. A lot of my friends are more the wide open, full throttle type of people. Running full speed and doing lots of things. That makes for a good combination in my opinion. Sometimes we need to slow down and grasp what is going on. Others times we need to be moving fast as we have limited time to accomplish big things. There is a balance. One I want to try to accomplish in my life. I remember an idea from my brother-in-law's blog awhile back that talks about resting from our work and working from our rest. Sometimes we need to rest and recharge. Other times we need to work at a frantic pace. Both are important. Both will happen. Where are you in the cycle? Are you running when you need to rest? Are you still in down mode when it is time for you to be doing something? Don't know where you fit. Wonder how you can possibly rest when you have so much to do. Don't know what you should be doing. Ask someone who knows you well. What we often can't see in ourselves is apparent to those closest to us. Part of community is listening to those doing life with us, another part is giving input to those in this with us. So what do you need to do - rest or work?

What are you accumulating?

What experiences are you accumulating? The experiences in my life are the things that I remember most. I don't really remember when we bought our TV, but I can tell you about the trip we took to Myrtle Beach with my family or the trip to Atlanta that taught me what community is all about. Sometimes I wonder if we spend too much energy accumulating the wrong things. The latest "thing" will be out of date in no time at all, but the experiences we have can still impact us years later.

What about God experiences? Are you accumulating any of those? The thing about accumulating experiences is that it requires you to do something. It is hard to experience God in a new way if you are sitting in the same spot year after year and not trying new things. I often hear people say they don't really feel connected to God. My question is - What have you been experiencing with Him? I just got back from a week long trip with some awesome friends and high school students. We had the chance to share some experiences together and I feel very connected to a lot of those people. I don't think it is a coincidence that when we experience something together that there is a connection. So you want to reconnect with God, then let Him lead you to a new experience. Bonding happens best when you are willing to get off your butt and out of your comfort zone.

So what experiences have you accumulated recently? Pass on accumulating one more thing and invest your time in creating a new experience with someone.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Holding back

What holds you back? What is that one thing that keeps you from chasing big dreams or making a huge impact? We know the problem a lot of the times, we can name it and say why it holds us back, but why can't we move beyond it? Does it have a hold of us or is that we really have a grip on it and don't want to let it go? It is hard to do big things when we are trying to hold all of our other "stuff". Ever watch a little kid try to hold onto all of his toys and try to pick one more up? They don't want to give up what they have even if the other toy is a better one. Seems to me that is how I am a lot of the times. I desire to have some better things in my life, to pursue some big dreams, to make a Kingdom impact, but I still want to hold onto all of the other things as well. It really comes down to a choice. What am I willing to give up in order to chase the better things? Is there something holding you back? Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of? Now is the time to do it. Don't think about it some more, just move.

Thoughts as I ease back into the week

Last week was a good week even though it was tiring. It felt a little strange not having the outlet of blogging but I had the chance to have lots of conversations and an incredible view of the mountains (which Shanna reminded us how amazing the mountains were every night as we walked to youth group time.) Here are a few of my thoughts/observations from the week.
  • I don't think I will ever stop being amazed at God's creativity. Surrounded by the mountains on all sides and seeing the diversity in them was a good reminder of how much of an artist God is.
  • Love having conversations late at night about the way God is moving in people's lives. (Actually, any time of the day, but they seem to happen more frequently late at night for me.) Funny that when we unplug for long enough we actually may hear more clearly what He is prompting us to do and have the time to talk about it.
  • Ever written someone off as unreachable or that you doubt that they will ever change? Never gets old when God shatters that idea.
  • Sad to hear the stories of how jacked up the lives are for some of our students. Some of them live in families that give love conditionally at best. Hurts to see them want so much more than that and not know how to change it.
  • Interesting fact - saw Lane sing/act out Celine Dion's song from Titanic in front of 800 people. Also heard he has some dance moves from Michael Jackson and Usher. Still waiting to see those though.
  • Wonder what it says when the loudest group of people on the bus and the ones who stayed up the latest were the adults? Love the randomness, the fun, the energy and the way we work together. Love that when I am with them that sometimes I can laugh so hard that I cry and also know that they have huge servant hearts.
  • For all of the grief that high school students get sometimes for being self-centered and immature, it is refreshing to see students who get it. Maybe not all of the time, but really neither do I.
  • Awesome reminders throughout the week of how effective prayer is.
  • Think we should have free time after lunch during the work week to play ultimate frisbee or kill ball.
  • ZuberFizz is some pretty good soda, if you ever get the chance to get some while in Durango. (I've tried the root beer, vanilla cream soda, key lime soda and cola. It is made with pure cane sugar and natural ingredients.) It was awesome to watch one of our students get to have her first Root Beer (she has severe reactions to dyes found in most soda) and the fact it was her birthday made it even better.

Hope you all had an incredible week and look forward to reconnecting with you.