Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fight or flight?

If you haven't experienced it, odds are you will. If things are going smoothly right now, you will probably have some bumps in the road at some point. It comes down to a choice in how you respond. Do you fight for it or do you take flight? Is it worth fighting for or do you just walk away? I see so many things that are treated as disposable - a job where they expect you to work hard, quit and find something easier; a relationship where there are problems or tension, walk away and blame the other person; a church that doesn't meet your needs, jump to another where they do things your way; a team that doesn't agree with your plan, quit and find those who will side with you. The list is long. Probably too long. Maybe sometimes you even need to walk away, but the scary thing is that seems to be the first thought. I want the easy. I want things my way. I want... and if I don't get it, then I quit. Sounds a lot like grade school doesn't it? But aren't the good things worth fighting for? Maybe it means we don't get what we want. Maybe we take the longer view. Maybe we need to stay and be the catalyst for change. The thing is it comes down to that one choice. Are you going to stay and do everything you possibly can or do you just simply walk away when things don't go your way?

I am so glad that I have people around me who are willing to fight. Odds are they could have walked away many times because often I am that bump in the road. I was today, but a friend chose to stay and fight through it. He could have walked and pointed the finger and would have been right, but he chose to take the longer view. He chose not to walk away. Odds are you will have a choice to make in the near future. Will you choose to fight for the things you believe in or simply dispose of it and move on to the next thing?

1 comment:

jamie said...

Fighting right now. I was a hair away from giving up in several things. Sometimes I am a hair away from giving up in everything. Catalyst for change can be a tough position sometimes.

Really not a big fan of the grass is greener mentality though. Although I have to admit that the grass can look pretty green when Im at my worst.

For me, sometimes its really hard to tell who you're up against. Its not always so easy trying to determine the difference of Gods will and any walls that he might be putting up to redirect you, versus, tests/obstacles that are meant to be overcome.

Often, because i dont get clear direction, or the burning bush, then I just keep walking. Often in the walking I assume that I will be given clearer direction.

I do believe there are things worth fighting for.