Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Is okay enough? I wonder if sometimes we don't settle for the okay. An okay marriage, an okay job, okay friendships, an okay relationship with God. Heard the Matthew West song "The Motions" yesterday and I love the chorus. It says:

I don't wanna go through the motions
I don't wanna go one more day
without Your all consuming passion inside of me
I don't wanna spend my whole life asking,
"What if I had given everything,
instead of going through the motions?"

Big difference between going through the motions and living life with an all consuming passion. Will my marriage look any different if I am giving everything? Will my life look different if I have an all consuming passion to live like Jesus? Changing the routine may be hard. It may be painful as we learn to live beyond the okay of life. But living without the regret of not having given my all sounds pretty good. Is okay good enough?

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