Thursday, April 16, 2009

What am I waiting on?

Can praying about something or taking time to think about it actually be a way for us to be passive and not take action? I have heard people say in meetings at church that maybe we should pray about it for awhile and then come back and talk some more. Sometimes that is probably the right answer. Other times that is an excuse to delay doing what God has placed before us. I decided to move on something last night that I had been "thinking about" for awhile. Really, I knew that God had something in mind for me in this area and was waiting on me to take some action. So I quit stalling and talked to some of the people that I needed to. Why did it take me so long?

A lot of the time I want to have it all figured out before I go forward, but usually even if I think I might have it figured out I don't. How many times does God have to show me that I really don't have a clue but that He does? I become passive and hide in the "right" religious talk. How can someone argue with you praying about a decision? They can't, so that becomes our answer for everything. I do think we are supposed to pray about things, but when that becomes are shield from moving into action somehow I don't think that is what God had in mind. Let's not turn prayer into an excuse for being content to sit on our butts. Seek guidance, but once you have answer (which may come through hearing His prompting through many different ways - prayer, that quiet voice, through someone else's wisdom, reading, etc.) then it is time to move into action. Is there anything you are praying or thinking about that you already know the answer? If so, now is a good time to follow through with it.

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