Monday, April 6, 2009

Time and drifting

What are your plans for tomorrow, for next week, for a year from now? Seems that we spend a lot of time talking about things we are going to do. When we get organized and have more time, when we have less demands, when we have more money, when we... you get the picture. I live under this delusion that I have all of this time before me, but I may not have tomorrow. A person I know may of had a stroke this morning. I don't think that was in her plans. Tomorrow may find something thrown in my path that I hadn't planned as well. We have this moment. What are you doing with yours? Is it what you would choose if you knew you only had a week? Planning for the future isn't bad, but for me that means I put off doing the more important now because I think I can do it later. Spending time with the boys instead of doing some chores that won't really matter. Having a conversation with a friend instead of that extra few hours of sleep. Taking the time to help now instead of trying to make it work in my schedule later.

Thinking of what is important also reminded me of my "new year's resolution". Could I say that I have been chasing only after God this year? I don't think that has been my priority at times. When and where did my focus shift? If, on this one day that I have, I focus on pursuing Him isn't that what he is asking me to do? For me though I tend to start drifting where my focus is. When you are driving, if you start watching something that is what you start moving towards (aptly called drifting). I have drifted towards me. I become focused on what I want. It is hard to focus on God when you are being selfish. I can't control the amount of time that I have, but I can control what I choose to focus on. Are you where you want to be today or have you started drifting also? What better time than right now to do a little check on where your focus is? Don't know for sure where you are focused, ask those around you as we often can see it in others more than ourselves.

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