Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Moderation or fullness?

How do these two items mesh? I've heard it said that taking things in moderation is best for you, but how does that go with living life to the fullest? Can we have too much of life, too much love, too many friendships, too much _________? At times I feel I can take it all on, while at other times I want to pull away from it all. I know a balanced life doesn't exist for me, but what is the answer?

Trying to find that place for me right now in relationships. I love the fact that I have been able to reconnect with some friends that haven't been in the picture much recently. Others are less involved right now. What is the rhythm of those friendships? I go from wanting crazy in-depth friendships to wanting to pull away. Can you have moderation and still have the fullest in a friendship?

My relationship with God seems similar. At times I hear His whisper, while at other times I completely miss Him in the chaos of life. Moderation seems to yell mediocrity to me. Not my fullest for Him, but something less. That doesn't seem right when I see the example that Jesus set for us to follow.

What is the right answer? Do you take the stable and go with moderation or do you live in the ups and downs of trying to live life to the fullest?

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