Thursday, April 23, 2009


Let's just get this out of the way to start - I don't liked to be labeled. Think you have me figured out? I may very well do something just to prove you wrong. I've been described as the following in some form or another recently - reflective, quiet, thinks too much, introverted and so on. Do those describe me? Probably at times, but they don't capture the whole of who I am. The thing with labels is that they are quick and easy. Tag them and then we can move on. I think that is how we treat people a lot of time. Quick assessment, boil it down and then label them. Would that change if we would take the time to really get to know people? I have tried to describe some of my friends before in 3 words and it is tough. Why? Because they have so many different parts that make up who they are.

Okay, big picture, isn't this what we are often guilty of as a church? Christian, sinner, insider, outsider, believer, unbeliever - labels that are quick but don't capture who we are. On any given day all of those labels could probably describe me. Am I trying to pursue being like Christ? Sure. Do I sin? Sure. Do I feel like I belong? Sure. Do I feel like I am on the outside? Sure. All describe me, but none fully describe me. The person you pass briefly every day or see occasionally on Sunday, have you labeled them? Slow down, see the people around you, and decide to take the time to really know who they are. Labels just aren't going to cut it any more.

ONLY FOR THE ADVENTUROUS - best shot at describing yourself in 3 words (and you can't use adventurous because I already did to describe you). Also if you want to go for it all, describe me in 3 words (please refraing from using any of the labels above).

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