Thursday, April 16, 2009

And yet another one

Apparently I have a lot on my mind today as this is my third post today (even a lot by my standards). Read the following things on a couple of the blogs that I read that have captured my attention and been bouncing around in my head today so I wanted to share them with you.

The eyes of Jesus
penetrate my heart
past all my defenses

He makes me uncomfortable
how hard it is
to meet his gaze

In unexpected ways
He changes me, in places
I'm comfortable, secure

His love pushes me
to display His love
not counting the cost

This struck a chord with me because I often feel uncomfortable when Jesus examines the areas of my life where I have gotten too comfortable. I have the choice to run from His gaze or allow it to change me.

The other thing I read was this - "Delayed obedience is disobedience. And most of our regrets won't be about the things we did... but the things we didn't do." Reminds me of when I tell our boys to do something and they say "in a minute" or when they ask me to do something and my answer is "not right now". This is how we treat God a lot of times as well. It isn't convenient right now so we tell God to wait or procrastinate in doing it. What does that disobedience (ouch!) cost us in opportunities missed? What appointments has God lined up for us that we have missed because we were going to get to it "in a minute"? I want to soften the word disobedience so it doesn't sting quite so much. Disobedience means I purposely choose to ignore God. I want to convince myself that I have good intentions but just not enough time right now, or not the resources at the moment, or not the ________ (fill in the blank) when in reality I usually just don't want to do it right then. Tough to voice that reality. That's why I often need other people in my life to point those things out. Are there any areas in your life that you are being disobedient by your delayed obedience?

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