Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Do you have a rhythm to the way you live? Mine seems to follow my personality of all or nothing. I go from one extreme - nonstop activities in the evening, getting together with friends consistently, not enough sleep, working out every day, to the other end of the spectrum - absolutely nothing planned at night, no effort to get together with friends, not working out for a month (the sleep one doesn't really ever swing to the other side). Not sure how you change that type of rhythm but I would like to smooth it out some. The funny thing to me is that people have often used the word consistent to describe me. I feel I am anything but consistent in my life. I go from feeling I have the closest friendships possible to questioning whether they mean anything at all (good thing my wife has a degree in psychology).

My pursuit of being like Jesus often looks like this as well. If you would graph my pursuit it would be all over the board. Intense at times, with other times where I am more focused on myself. Moving forward but not always with the consistency that I would like. I relate to how the Psalms speak of how incredible God is to the next minute questioning why He has seemed to remove his presence from my life. (I know he hasn't, but at times life feels overwhelming.) What does the rhythm of your life look like?

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