Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Questions - good or bad?

I've had several nights of talking in circles as my wife has gamely listened and tried to answer my questions. What I am thinking about isn't the point right now, but the questions it raises are. Are the questions being prompted by the Holy Spirit or my own insecurities? How do you know? Not yes or no type questions, but ones that seem to have no "right" answers at this point. I am beginning to think that the answers may not even be the point. I think the journey in getting there may be the point. What is the result of the questioning? Does it lead me to depend more on God? Or do I take things into my hands and make them work the way I want? As much as I love asking questions, at times I wish I could find the simple "yes" or "no" answers to these questions. I want to bypass the hard work of wrestling with issues and reach the end result, but I know that it is the in between work that shapes who I am. Doesn't make it an easier though. So my question to you is how do you view questions - good, bad or indifferent?

An additional thought here. I am learning again that perception shades how we see things. Imagine someone holding a gem in there hand. From the side I stand on, it may appear dark with deep shadows hidden in it. From where someone else stands, they may see the sun shining through it and reflecting an incredible prism of colors. Someone else may not be able to see it at all as the person holding the gem blocks there view. The gem (the actual truth) hasn't change any, but where we see it from determines what we see in the gem. I need to examine it from all of those different perspectives to really see more of the whole picture. As I was discussing one of my thoughts with a friend, we seemed to have different views on the subject. We both argued that we were right (Which by the way, I am still sure that my perspective is the "more right" answer. Not really, but I can also be stubborn. Another issue for another post. ), but really his different view helps shape a more complete picture for me. Sometimes I need to adjust where I am standing to understand it better. I know this, but somehow I still tend to forget that.

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