Friday, April 3, 2009


Do you ever have that desire to just be where you are loved? Things aren't necessarily bad, there isn't a crisis of faith, no drama, but you just want to be in that place where you know that you are accepted for just being you. Received a note from a friend who is serving half way across the world that said "I'm finished". He hasn't quit, he hasn't given up, he still is serving, but his heart is done. He is ready to be around those who love him. I could relate to that and I don't live half a globe away from my close friends. There are times in my life where I just want to be. I want to know that I am loved. I think most of us want that at some level. That is what we the church are suppose to be. That place where we are loved because. Because we are His. No strings, no qualifications, just loved. I need to learn to give that love freely. Love just because. We run through life so quickly most of the time we forget to just love. I mean really stop and love. Love may be a hug, it may be taking time from our busyness to really talk to someone, it may be verbally saying that we love them, it may be shown in a lot of different ways, but the one thing it has to be is intentional. If we love intentionally, don't you think that would be the church we are called to be? Thanks Jake for putting into words what I so often feel in my heart. Know that we are waiting here to give those hugs you are missing.

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