Saturday, April 18, 2009

The unexpected

I love the unexpected (Most of the time. More on that in a minute). I've had several conversation like that today. A message (more like a novel) on facebook from a friend that covered a lot of ground. A random comment from another friend that left me wondering what is on the horizon. Some IMing with another friend that we usually get to hang out with on Saturday nights. None of which I expected.

Also got to coach Jacob's soccer game today as his coach was not able to be there. It was the first time that I have coached in about 7 years. I coached for about 12 years when we first moved to Tulsa. Have to say that my voice was out of practice. By the second half my voice would go out as I was trying to yell something to the boys. My wife found this rather entertaining. I would just about lose my voice all of the time when I used to coach. It was a lot of fun and reminded me of all the different teams that I coached in that time and the different kids that I had on those teams. Good memories.

Tonight we had a bunch of talkative middle school boys over for Caleb's birthday party. We hung out here for a little while and then went to play laser tag. Let's just say it was hard to hear much of anything in the van as they were all talking at once. I used to think that was only a middle school girl thing, but I was wrong. Different things they talk about I'm sure, but they still manage to talk a lot. Caleb has always had good friends and love the people he chooses to surround himself with even though they tend to talk a lot.

This week has been interesting as we wondered if Lisa might be pregnant (she isn't). That would have been very unexpected! (say about a 1 in 1000 chance) But as I was thinking about that during the week, I decided that I was okay with not knowing what the plan was. I am learning more and more that the unexpected isn't something I can control so why worry about it. What do you think about the unexpected? Do you like it or dread it? Makes me wonder what is coming up next in my life. Should be interesting as usual.


anxiously hopeful said...

Do you feel like you are missing out on all of the pregnancy excitement? I know Lisa is perfectly happy to enjoy everyone else's excitement rather than having her own!

I prefer the just takes a little time for me to get adjusted to whatever that "unexpected" might be.

brianj33 said...

Darn. Wish I could have heard your adolescent voice breaking-up. I'll be praying for your time with your co-employees this week.