Monday, July 6, 2009

Thoughts as I ease back into the week

Last week was a good week even though it was tiring. It felt a little strange not having the outlet of blogging but I had the chance to have lots of conversations and an incredible view of the mountains (which Shanna reminded us how amazing the mountains were every night as we walked to youth group time.) Here are a few of my thoughts/observations from the week.
  • I don't think I will ever stop being amazed at God's creativity. Surrounded by the mountains on all sides and seeing the diversity in them was a good reminder of how much of an artist God is.
  • Love having conversations late at night about the way God is moving in people's lives. (Actually, any time of the day, but they seem to happen more frequently late at night for me.) Funny that when we unplug for long enough we actually may hear more clearly what He is prompting us to do and have the time to talk about it.
  • Ever written someone off as unreachable or that you doubt that they will ever change? Never gets old when God shatters that idea.
  • Sad to hear the stories of how jacked up the lives are for some of our students. Some of them live in families that give love conditionally at best. Hurts to see them want so much more than that and not know how to change it.
  • Interesting fact - saw Lane sing/act out Celine Dion's song from Titanic in front of 800 people. Also heard he has some dance moves from Michael Jackson and Usher. Still waiting to see those though.
  • Wonder what it says when the loudest group of people on the bus and the ones who stayed up the latest were the adults? Love the randomness, the fun, the energy and the way we work together. Love that when I am with them that sometimes I can laugh so hard that I cry and also know that they have huge servant hearts.
  • For all of the grief that high school students get sometimes for being self-centered and immature, it is refreshing to see students who get it. Maybe not all of the time, but really neither do I.
  • Awesome reminders throughout the week of how effective prayer is.
  • Think we should have free time after lunch during the work week to play ultimate frisbee or kill ball.
  • ZuberFizz is some pretty good soda, if you ever get the chance to get some while in Durango. (I've tried the root beer, vanilla cream soda, key lime soda and cola. It is made with pure cane sugar and natural ingredients.) It was awesome to watch one of our students get to have her first Root Beer (she has severe reactions to dyes found in most soda) and the fact it was her birthday made it even better.

Hope you all had an incredible week and look forward to reconnecting with you.

1 comment:

jamie said...

Welcome back. Prayed for all of you during your trip. Your description of the mountains made me long for God time. Sounds like a good time. Look forward to Lanes Celeine Dion encore.

Hope you all ease back into Tulsa life.