Tuesday, July 21, 2009

To be or to do?

"I've found myself so easily wrapped in doing, that I've strayed away from being." This is a quote in Anne Jackson's blog titled "Are You Hooked? The Christian Designer Drug"

The culture of doing one more good thing as our quick fix instead of spending time with Jesus. There is always one more thing we can do to temporarily fill that hole when we feel guilty or feel a little empty in our lives. We opt for the convenient instead of the eternal. When we are connected with Him, then we do things out of that abundance. The activities aren't filling the holes we have, they are from the overflow of the time spent being restored and loved by God.

We run around like headless chickens. Running randomly, searching for the next quick fix. We don't look at the big picture and rest in Him. We substitute the cheap - showing up for a church service, squeeze in some Bible reading, pray a quick prayer - things we can check off our list, instead of stopping and being. We run until we are exhausted and burned out. Then we decide to stop and focus on the truly important. Are you busy doing today or being?

1 comment:

jamie said...

I was busy sleeping today. I just finished working 4 of 5 day, 12 hour shifts and had guests over from out of town. Does sleeping count as being?

I like the idea of doing, out of the abundance. Sometimes I think of it in terms of the difference between being "driven".... versus being... "called". Usually being "driven" is about me. Being called seems to be about "God" and/or others.

When Im driven, I cant stop (until i run out of gas). When Im called, I seem to get energy from doing and being.