Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Random observation

Have a friend who once told me that he gets tired of reading some blogs because they tend to say the same thing every time. I agree. Some blogs I have quit reading because it was like the same post every day (usually it is the ones that I feel are promoting themselves), but today I realized as I was reading through some of my favorites (I suggest you read today's post at www.perrynoble.com and www.chrisediger.com) that what appears to be repetition may actually be their passion coming through. What you are passionate about permeates most of what you do. For me, no matter what I start out writing about it will still usually involve something about either relationships, community or leadership. Those are some of things I am passionate about so they overflow into my conversations, my thoughts, the things I write about. Try this the next time you read one of your favorite blogs - play a game of where's Waldo. Look for that theme (that would be Waldo for you that haven't caught on yet) that runs throughout their thoughts. See if you hear their heart speaking each time they write about that subject. Maybe you don't blog, but do you find yourself coming back to the same thoughts, ideas, and passions in your life? Just a random observation of something I had never really though about before.

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