Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Three random things... or are they random?

Wow! It has been one of those mornings that has my brain going in so many different directions... and that is a good thing. (Shanna this would be where you say "I like where your head is at!") Here is a snapshot of my thoughts pushed by three different things - reading Hebrews 11, reading some from "Deadly Viper: Character Assassins" by Mike Foster and Jud Wilhite, and good conversation with a friend over coffee (really it was water for me as I don't drink coffee...maybe some day when I grow up).
  • Seriously, have you read Hebrews 11 recently? The faith chapter. These are the who's who of faith. Some names you easily recognize and then this "We have stories of those who were stoned, sawed in two, murdered in cold blood; stories of vagrants wandering the earth in animal skins, homeless, friendless, powerless - the world didn't deserve them! - making their way as best they could on the cruel edges of the world." "The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see." Need some encouragement on what God can accomplish when we act in faith? Incredible part of the story playing out... their faith and our faith working towards the completion. I wonder what God has planned for my part of the story playing out? I wonder what God has planned for your part of the story?
  • "Deadly Viper" is the type of book that I would like to write. It is funny, straight to the point and makes you think. It is about being a leader of character and integrity. It talks about the need to have others investing in your life and character development. Some questions asked from what I've read so far - When was the last time you had a completely honest conversation about your struggles with someone that you trust? Do you know the dreams of your friends? Do you know their frustrations? Do you know their strengths? Love these questions. Can you answer them honestly?
  • Had coffee with Lane this morning. It was our typical random conversation from the unimportant (Why is there red in that picture of the leaves? It is distracting.), the philosophical (question about how we see the life of Gandhi and do we maybe have it wrong), the needed (honest conversation about our lives) and the funny (I'll leave this one to your imagination).

The funny thing to me is that all three things tie so perfectly together in my mind. I have several people in my life (in no particular order, other than my wife first, Lane, Brian, Jeff, Shanna, Shane, Chris & Andrea and probably a couple of others) who I see as having the faith talked about in Hebrews 11. Interestingly enough most of these people are the same ones investing in my life and character development as well. The ones I have community with (like conversations about life over coffee) and who challenge me in my faith. I like it when it is so easily highlighted like that and I can clearly see it. Who are those people in your life? Do they know it? They should. Tell them today.


jamie said...

Yes. There is the thread in the randomness. I like that.

Reading "Experiencing God" again and was reminded of who God is/has been to me personally in my life, in times of difficulties, and how I fight through to live out Hebrews 11. I was reminded of how God has always been faithful to me, in his plan and will, and how thankful I am that he has included so many good things in my life, in that Will.

Here's a random comment... but i like that phrase, "making their way as best they could on the cruel edges of the world". What translation is that?

You mentioned, "Deadly Viper". Are you writing yet? Are you going to make your August deadline? There is Grace. But you really should write. Is it an area you feel called into?

Think the Ghandi conversation sounds interesting.

Ironically, to be honest, My willingness towards honesty has a lot of hurdles these days.

How's all that for random thoughts? Is there a thread? - ha.

Kenneth said...

Translation is from the Message. I like to read from it to see things in a different way.

I'm not writing yet. Honestly don't know if I feel called to write or not. Will be visiting more with my brother-in-law though this week about it. Don't know if I have a book in me or not.

I am sure there is a thread in there somewhere, but I'm not sure what it is yet.

Love the random thoughts!