Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What are you accumulating?

What experiences are you accumulating? The experiences in my life are the things that I remember most. I don't really remember when we bought our TV, but I can tell you about the trip we took to Myrtle Beach with my family or the trip to Atlanta that taught me what community is all about. Sometimes I wonder if we spend too much energy accumulating the wrong things. The latest "thing" will be out of date in no time at all, but the experiences we have can still impact us years later.

What about God experiences? Are you accumulating any of those? The thing about accumulating experiences is that it requires you to do something. It is hard to experience God in a new way if you are sitting in the same spot year after year and not trying new things. I often hear people say they don't really feel connected to God. My question is - What have you been experiencing with Him? I just got back from a week long trip with some awesome friends and high school students. We had the chance to share some experiences together and I feel very connected to a lot of those people. I don't think it is a coincidence that when we experience something together that there is a connection. So you want to reconnect with God, then let Him lead you to a new experience. Bonding happens best when you are willing to get off your butt and out of your comfort zone.

So what experiences have you accumulated recently? Pass on accumulating one more thing and invest your time in creating a new experience with someone.

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