Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Too busy?

Are we too busy? Too busy to slow down and enjoy life. Running from one thing to the next. Juggling the people in our lives like they are one more obligation to manage. Making time for the unimportant while neglecting the important. I know we have seasons in our lives where things can be crazy. I have lived through those seasons and they can be draining. But what happens when we stay busy all of the time. Never slowing down to reflect, not taking the time to invest in people, chasing after something that doesn't really fulfill us, realizing too late that those around us are gone, wondering how we drifted so far away from God. It isn't very hard to get there. We wake up and all of the sudden we realize we can't remember the last time we had a real talk with our wives that didn't revolve around the kids, or work, or finances. We realize the friends we used to talk with about our dreams, the people we used to have fun together with, they no longer call. The job we invest so much of our time in decides to go in a different direction and we become unnecessary. The "must see" show that we manage to watch every week goes off the air.

Been reading through Ecclesiastes recently. It talks a lot about what we chase after. We each have 24 hour in a day. We all have the same amount to invest. Are you spending yours wisely? Are you investing in the things that matter or the things that squeak the loudest? Pause a moment and think about the important things to you, do those match with where your time is spent? If not, what are you going to do about it? Do you need to call someone? Make time to take your spouse out on a date and really talk? Spend some time listening to God? You will have a lot of things clamoring for you attention, but you get to decide how you will invest your 24 hours today.

1 comment:

jamie said...

I think its pretty humbling to think about what your life would be like if everything you chased after were suddenly gone. Thats kind of the thing my pessimistic mind latched on to thinking about the whole job thing and becoming unnecessary.

To be honest, Im not sure how we (me and my family) would handle something like that. Honestly, we have worked long and hard to get to this place where we are (still not enough- of course). We like the neighborhood we're in, the kids our kids play with, the new house etc.

Sometimes I wonder if our soul has gotten lost in the pursuit. (Just being honest).

I do a lot of good things. But some of the better things have slipped away.