Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Are you a sprinter or a long-distance runner? We are called to be long-distance runners, but we as the Church seem to cater to the sprinters. Long-distance running isn't glamorous. It takes times. It takes consistency and endurance. Sprinting is a little more flashy. It is quick and gathers more attention. We want the sprint, but have been told to prepare for the long-distance race. Been running long in your pursuit of Jesus? Look around you. Have those you started out with still around or have they quit the race?

In Hebrews 12 it says "Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed - that exhilarating finish in and with God - he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever." One of the keys to long distance running is having the right focus. For us as Christians, that is Jesus. Study the way he ran the race.

On a slightly different note, Hebrews also says "Strip down, start running - and never quit!" I find this mental image rather funny. Do you ever wonder if the writers of the Bible had a slightly twisted sense of humor? I find this encouraging as when I read sometimes I just have to say "No way. That is in the Bible?" Maybe it is just my warped view of things (highly possible). Seems to support my take on the pursuit of nakedness though (see my post from September 24, 2008 about pursuing being naked if you are curious). Have an incredible day training for the race!

1 comment:

jamie said...

Long distance running is my thing. Just started it up again 2 months ago. Ran 2.8 Kilometers last night. I am shooting for 5 K by October.

Everything you said about the difference between Long distance and sprinting is true. Its a mindset. I find myself having to concentrate/meditate during that time. Sometimes I use that time for prayer. Most of the time i listen to music. But its a balance. You have to be aware of the run, enough that you can find your pace, but you can't let yourself think about where you are in the run... or catch yourself saying.... just 2 more miles to go.... or 25 more minutes to go. You lose your energy when you start running for short distances. Running is very much a metaphor for life. I can see why they used it for the spiritual life.

The naked idea is interesting as well, for many reasons. It was something that was unacceptable socially speaking for Jews (not for Greeks), and yet in the most Jewish new testament scripture (Hebrews), the writer conjures up an image that will communicate really well with Greeks, yet most likely be offensive to Jewish people. But the point is the metaphor. All understand exactly what he is talking about, and he doesn't seem to be overly concerned about "offending".

There are tons of things in the Bible like this. The bible is not "family friendly". It is violent, descriptive, sexual, and communicates to real people in real life. In the book of Ezekiel the Prophet uses lewd language to describe what Isreal's unfaithfulness looks like and it reads like Pornography.

Song of songs flips the image, and uses erotic language to describe healthy intimacy.

In the scriptures someone is always getting their head cut off, or a tent peg jammed through their skull, or someone is getting cut up into pieces and sent via UPS to all the neighboring tribes as a witness of someone's evil.

Not to mention that God himself describes his own torture and suffering, stage by stage from arrest, to brutalization and cruel death.

I can understand being careful what we expose children to (for developmental reasons), but i have never understood christians who think that God has commanded us to avoid the harsh realities of life. In fact, sometimes i think trying to avoid the really real of life is more of an anesthesia that God is trying to wake us up from.

Will check out the naked post. Think Naked is a great metaphor for intimacy BTW.

Thanks for these thoughts.