Monday, May 4, 2009

Tires and tattoos

Today definitely has the feel of a Monday and one that started early on top of that. My Monday morning feeling started Saturday night. On the way home from some friends house on Saturday night, my car had a blow out about a mile from home. I was able to pull into a place that could replace the tire - on Monday morning. Okay not the worst thing that could happen as it would require a little juggling of our schedules as I usually take Caleb to school on my way to work. That meant Sunday we were down to one vehicle. Again manageable. Me and the two younger boys went to church as Lisa stayed home to sleep and recover from the day spent outside at the "Mom & Me" weekend for boy scouts and Caleb was still out of town. So I am in class listening to the discussion taking place when a friend shows up with Jacob who is complaining that his stomach hurts. Time to head home and try to figure out how I am going to connect with a couple of people that I was suppose to talk to after church. Oh well, that is what all of the technology we have is for. We go down to collect Joshua (remember only one car and we can't tag team this like we would normally do) and I find out that Jacob had actually gone AWOL. Yeah, he asked to go to the bathroom and then decided his stomach was hurting and went to find us (he forgot that Lisa hadn't come with us only an hour earlier) without telling anyone. Glad he knows people around the church who helped him find me. (By the way, the stomach ailment mysteriously disappeared rather quickly after we got home.) The rest of the day is pretty quiet and ends on a good note as a good friend called to let us know some exciting things that are happening with one of the girls in her small group. That gets us to this morning. I dropped Caleb off and headed by the tire place to be there when they opened at 7:30 to see how long it would take to replace the tire. Appears that don't have that tire there at the store (funny because the tire I am replacing I just bought there about 2 months ago). So my options are now that they might run to the warehouse later today and if so they will pick up the tire. If not, then it will be Wednesday before the truck comes. I am hoping to get the call that they decided to run to the warehouse today for some reason (I guess getting my tire isn't enough of a reason to make a trip there.) I would say that qualifies as a long Monday already.

I guess that counters the relaxing day I had Saturday. One of those extremely rare days where I was home by myself all day and didn't have much that I had to do. Managed to watch 3 movies (Iron Man, Dark Knight and Oceans 11 in case you were wondering) and then got together with some friends for dinner and played Apples to Apples (which I have only played twice and have won both times - I may want to retire while my streak is intact). In the middle of the day I went with Lane and got a tattoo (wait a minute... let that one soak in). Yeah, I love what it stands for (community) and have thought about it for awhile. Can't say that any of my friends were that surprised and my wife wasn't either (She didn't know that I was planning on getting one on Saturday. We had talked about it before though.) Just trying to keep things interesting and not be predictable. Well that and the fact that I realize how amazing the community I have is and the tat is a great reminder of that.

So there you have it a weekend of tires and tattoos.


kellimoss said...

i'm sorry, but your sunday morning had me in stiches! and one question-did you walk home saturday night?

Kenneth said...

No problem about laughing at my expense as I find it rather humorous in hindsight. No, luckily I didn't have to walk home as Lisa had just gotten home so she was able to come pick me up with one boy covered from head to toe in mud in tow. (Any guesses on who that might have been? Yeah, the same one who went AWOL.) I am sure he will teach Canon all of his good tricks in due time.

Lisa said...

I'm trying to figure out when my day of relaxation (all to myself) is going to be. Probably not until the end of June. That seems too far off!

jamie said...

I know i am kind of dropping in out of no where, but today is a jesus focus community day for me, and that lead me to many emails and also back here to my bookmarked blogs.

I used to get crazy on days like your blow out day. My daughter gets the stomach ailment pretty frequently as well. She also uses evangelism as a method to stay up late. She had Lisa (my wife) at wits end one evening, and you could see her veins about to break out of her forehead when my daughter came in.... "one more time"... just to tell us something important. Lisa responded, this better be one of the most important things you have ever said, and Amaya (my daughter) said, "I just wanted to let you know that Jesus died on the cross for your sins".

As a parent, How do you respond to that???

Also, think the community tattoo is awsome. I saw a blue Jesus done on a punk preacher on Miami Ink once that was beautiful. If I had about 500 dollars I would definitely go with the blue Jesus.