Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How do you connect?

How do you connect with God? I think a lot of times we limit the creativity of people by telling them that prayer is the way to connect with God. That is definitely one way to connect, but is it the only way? Can connecting mean more than just talking? Do you feel more connected to God when you paint, take pictures, hike or write? What environment moves you closer to God? I think if we could grasp this concept as a group then it might change how we see and do things. Things would move from the black and white that we often try to paint them as to an explosion of color. Are you comfortable with people experiencing God in different ways? I think in our minds we get it, but when it comes to a Sunday morning do we limit the ways we connect? Are we trying to fit everyone into the box we have always seen? Not sure how open I am at times, but I want to continue to explore different ways to connect to God. Is there anything you could change in your life to help you connect better? Trying to see things from a different perspective today.

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