Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I want a do over

"Is there tension, do we disagree, do we challenge each other - absolutely, but I wouldn't change that." That is quote from yesterday's blog. I change my mind. I don't like the tension, I don't like the disagreements, I don't want to be challenged. Makes me wonder if God just had to laugh when I wrote that yesterday. Kind of like when new parents to be say "My kid will never do that." Inwardly I just laugh because I am thinking "Oh, you will be surprised what your kid will do." God definitely has to have a sense of humor. Laughing as we act like 3 year olds who think the world revolves around them. Laughing as we act like teenagers who have it all figured out and don't doubt for a minute that we could be wrong. So choose your words carefully today because you never know if they may be put to the test in the next minute.

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