Friday, May 8, 2009

Life as a secret agent

Had to laugh at my co-workers this week as it become known that I had gotten a tattoo this last weekend. I think I was probably the last person they suspected of getting one. Got me to thinking that if I ever made a career change that I should maybe consider being a secret agent. Apparently people don't know much about me and that I am somewhat mysterious because of that. They try to figure out what it is that I am thinking about or what my smile is really saying (seems I have a smirk that gives away that I am thinking something - people usually get it wrong about what I am thinking, but it doesn't stop them from confidently tell me why they think I am smiling. Yeah I've been know to smile just to make people wonder.) I have always been the one who can blend with just about any crowd while avoiding the spotlight (which is the way I like it). I have lots of interest just not a lot of opinions that I feel are necessary to share. I guess that isn't the norm as most people seem thrown off by that. Another quality that would make good for a career as an agent is my ability to pretend that I am hearing something for the first time when actually I already know all of the details. Had a phone call last night where I got to use this skill. I already knew everything they were telling me, but I still let them go on with their story. Funny to see if it matches with the details that I already know. I think I've perfected this from being a youth sponsor for so long. We work as a team and try to keep each other up to date on what is going with the students, but for some reason the students don't think we talk to each other at all. Sometimes it makes for an interesting conversation when the "facts'" don't always match with the previous telling of the story. I've learned to appear to be hearing it for the first time even though I already know what questions I will ask.

I had a friend tell me recently that I ought to be a therapist. I do like to listen to people, but kind of think that a therapist should be more mentally stable than I am. So what other career choices does your personality qualify you for? Any other suggestions on what might be a good match for me? Not that I am looking to change, but I find it interesting how other people view me. Their view is so different than from my perspective most of the time. Those differences in perspective are what make life so interesting.


Jamie said...

I remember listening to two completely different personalities describe the same event at work. They were telling the story of how they had dropped something very important. One persons tendency was be really dramatic as if maybe the world had just stopped. The others was to really try and play it off. Afterwards I wondered if it was even the same event.

As for the secret agent thing, the quiet ones are always the people I suspect of working in the CIA. But they're also the ones who end up taking a machine gun into work, or end up being discovered to have some secret room built into the attic.

I peg you as more the CIA.


Anonymous said...

I think the "its the quiet ones you gotta watch" theory is too easy to debunk... Let us say you are sitting at Starbucks, in the corner sits a man by himself quietly reading... on top of a table there is a man with a machine gun claiming he will kill the next person who walks through the door... Who you gonna watch??

Hornets Nest said...

Secret room in the attic? hmmm. I may do some snooping around next time I'm over.
As for pretending like you are hearing something for the first time, next time I confess something to you I'm gonna ask if your sources already told you.
And as for other career - how about a young Robert Redford impersonator.