Friday, November 7, 2008

Tweaks won't cut it

Been looking over my notes on leadership from Catalyst again as it has been almost a month since we were there. Good thoughts that I will probably keep coming back to for quite awhile. Reviewing the random thoughts on leadership that Andy Stanley talked about in the final session. I think we as a church could spend an entire year wrestling with these five quotes and if we could honestly answer them then we would dramatically change things. I often think we hear a good idea, think about it, and then move on without ever really doing anything with it. We are the ultimate consumers without ever really doing anything. He quoted Craig Groeschel who said "To reach people no one else is reaching, we must do things no one else is doing." The take away thought was this - become preoccupied with those you haven't reached as opposed to those you are trying to keep. Sadly, I think as the leadership of the church we become focused on those we are trying to keep instead. We don't want to change things as it may upset people. We think a tweak here or there is a major accomplishment and we pat ourselves on the back for being such forward thinkers. Tweaks won't get it, we need to try things that are radically different. Don't know what those things are but I want to hear people's ideas on what we need to try. I can tell you that changing from hymns to current worship songs isn't the answer. That is still looking inward for the most part and not really reaching people no one else currently is. We mistake people coming in from a different church as reaching new people. It isn't in my opinion. That is just working to keep people happy already in the kingdom. Don't know the answers, but that is why I think we need to be wrestling with these ideas. If it was easy, what would the sacrifice be in that. What radical ideas have you seen or think we should be trying as the church? Don't wait on someone else to come up with the ideas, but think about the people you know and what it would take to reach them. Think your idea is too radical - then that may possibly be the one we need to be pursuing. Let's start being more than consumers and being the radicals we were called to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, so when I read this I got a flashback of old prayer walks we used to do and how much I miss them. But we need more, I've dreamed of taking a group of people and fasting for a cause and praying constantly, for hours or even the whole day all for a single cause.
Radical requires risking things for God, and in that God will act... right?