Friday, September 26, 2008

Short term memory loss

I watched an interesting movie last night with some friends. The basic idea running throughout the movie was how the main character could not remember anything in the short term. To remember something he would take pictures, write it down and for some things he would even tatoo it on his body. Got me thinking about how that is my story in remembering God. I see Him do amazing things in my life and around me and then in no time at all I have forgotten it. I am back running, trying to figure out what I am doing and where I am suppose to be going. My memory of the awe that God inspired yesterday is but a distant memory just out of my reach. Maybe I am the only one who has short-term memory loss regarding the incredible God I try to serve, but I doubt it. In Proverbs 7:3 he instructs us to write his words on our heart. Think he might have known that we would suffer with short-term memory problems? What should I tatoo in my heart to remember Him? Do you need to write something in your heart?

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