Thursday, September 4, 2008

Favorite topic

Relationships - a central theme of lots of discussions in our house. I am highly relational. I crave good conversations, spending time with friends and family, ready to have fun at a moments notice if a friend calls - these are some of the things that motive me. As much I enjoy the relationships in my life, they have also been some of the most frustrating times in my life as well. The thing is we are dealing with people. We have our ups and downs through life and that impacts how we view those relationships and how we treat those friendships. I have been through a season where I have just let go of some relationships that have been a big part of the last couple years of my life. It was a tough time of transition, but on the up side I am now entering some new ones. I get excited about really getting to know someone. Finding out what they are like and how the differences and similarities in our personalities can strengthen that relationship. What really motives me and what I wish everyone could experience are those deep, no-matter-what-happens type of friendships. Sadly I think most people settle for mediocre or take-it-or-leave relationships. We protect ourselves and aren't completely real in those relationships. We settle for okay when we could have great. Not all of our relationships are meant to be at that deep of a level, but I think we were created to have some of those in our lives. Those people who really know you. Not the mask we wear most of the time, but the real you. The scary part is taking that mask off so that they can get to know you. You are vulnerable and open, but the reward of that is the possiblity of an incredible friendship. My wife is the number one person in that category for me, but I also have 5 guys that I believe are absolute quality men whom I have that type of relationship with. The relationships run the gamut in personality types (athletic, artistic, quiet, center of attention, spur of the moment, structured), how long I've know them (less than year, 10 years, 15 years, 19 years and 23 years) and where they live (a couple here, one in Thailand, one in Atlanta, and another in Las Vegas). The biggest thing is we share life together in our desire to pursue God. I may not get to share in the day to day of life with each of these guys as often as I would like, but they are the ones I know will offer me the honest words I need to hear, provide me encouragement when I need it, be willing to have some fun together, and be real with me. The best thing that I have done in the last couple of years is specifically give several of these guys total access to my life (they all have it, but I haven't actually had that conversation with all of them yet). If they feel that something isn't right in my life, they can ask me about it. Whatever area of my life they want to talk about they have my permission to go there. May be a little scary at first to open yourself up like that, but man are the rewards of those type of friendships awesome. I know not everyone is as relational as I am, but couldn't you use some real friendships in your life? Don't wait on someone else to take the initiative, open yourself up and see what happens. Take the risk, it is so worth it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good blog. I think one of the keys to going deep is allowing people to have access & permission to question. The more open we are, the deeper our relationships go. (by the way, I remembered the 4th political thing that ticked-me off. it's on my blog. Thanks for the racquetball & conversation. I think we are both good enough athletes but not necessarily very skilled at racquetball to make it interesting (and slightly dangerous.)