Thursday, September 11, 2008

Potential...what could have been

I am your typical "the glass is half full" type of person. (Sometimes even seeing it as full while others argue with me that it is empty.) I see lots of potential around me in the people I am fortunate enough to cross paths with. The person who has the potential to be an incredible leader, the idea that has great potential to create significant changes in people, the person who could develop into an amazing friend, you get the idea. Lots of potential, "but"... the one single word that limits those possibilities. Potential to be an incredible leader, but chooses to follow instead. Great idea, but we never act on making it happen. Potentially amazing friendship, but we don't have the time to invest in that person. The thing about potential is that at some point it stops being potential and becomes "what could have been". Potential becomes regret or missed opportunities that we may not have again. The longer we wait on acting on that potential, the more likely it is to pass us by.

The thing is I can see all sorts of potential around me, but I can't even imagine the potential that God sees in us. The wild, incredibly exciting ideas and relationships that he sees waiting around the corner for us, "but" we are too busy for or don't take the time to invest in. His heart must break at the "what could have been" moments that we miss out on. What potential is in front of you? What friendship or idea is waiting for you to live up to your potential? Don't wait until it becomes a "what could have been" moment, start acting on it now.


Lisa said...

I think tomorrow has great potential. I'm so glad you are taking the day off and I get you to myself for awhile.

Anonymous said...

God sees potential in us, I've never really thought that entirely through. All the times I've been focused on not God are all the times when He could have spoke to me. Potential = opportunities?