Monday, September 29, 2008

Risking it or playing it safe?

It is easy for me to risk it when there is nothing to lose, but what about when there is more at stake? Do I settle (play it safe) when the next risk is the one that will create a breakthrough? If you follow football, this is what is called a "prevent" defense. Know what, it is usually boring and often can cost you the game. As a church, as a leader, individually - do we go into a "prevent" defense and quit trying to make a difference for the Kingdom. Risk it! Two great questions I read on a blog today:

  • What risks am I wrestling with wanting to take...but have been afraid to vocalize?
  • Am I afraid of failing or people viewing me as a failure?

Love the first question. I am learning that when I vocalize the things that I want to risk that is a lot more likely to happen. When I put it out there on the table for discussion then I instantly have other people who will challenge me to follow through. Sometimes taking the risk and saying it is the hardest part for me because then I know that I will have to risk actually doing it then. The other question says a lot about where my heart is. For me failure is not nearly as bad as missing the opportunity. If I fail, at least I tried moving forward. The only way to never fail is to never risk anything. Not much reward in that. If I am afraid the others will view me as a failure then I am looking in the wrong place to begin with. Much rather have others see me as a failure, than God watching me fail to act on His prompting in my heart. What risks are you wrestling with? Find someone to tell today.

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