Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Ever seen a good wrestling match? I mean one of those where the participants give everything they have to win. Having been a youth sponsor for quite awhile, I've seen several of these late at night in the guy's dorms. Those matches were they are completely drenched in sweat, using every last ounce of energy and strength to get the other guy to tap out. I know some people do not have a true appreciation for those matches but sometimes we need to wrestle with what it means to practically live out what Jesus has said our lives should look like. Not a stroll through the park, not a nice conversation at Starbucks, but a wrestling match. A sweating, no holds barred, give everything we've got experience. Had any of those recently? I am simply amazed at the people God places in my life. People who see things from a completely different perspective than me. Friends who challenge my thoughts and make my box a little bit bigger each time we talk. Conversations that end with "what are you going to do about it?" I want to wrestle with how these ideas live out in my life. An everyday, normal life that has great implications and potentially great impact if I can follow what Jesus has already modeled. What ideas do you need to wrestle with? Who is in your corner - challenging you and encouraging you to give everything you've got? Leave it all out there on the mat because we only get one shot at this moment in time.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Risking it or playing it safe?

It is easy for me to risk it when there is nothing to lose, but what about when there is more at stake? Do I settle (play it safe) when the next risk is the one that will create a breakthrough? If you follow football, this is what is called a "prevent" defense. Know what, it is usually boring and often can cost you the game. As a church, as a leader, individually - do we go into a "prevent" defense and quit trying to make a difference for the Kingdom. Risk it! Two great questions I read on a blog today:

  • What risks am I wrestling with wanting to take...but have been afraid to vocalize?
  • Am I afraid of failing or people viewing me as a failure?

Love the first question. I am learning that when I vocalize the things that I want to risk that is a lot more likely to happen. When I put it out there on the table for discussion then I instantly have other people who will challenge me to follow through. Sometimes taking the risk and saying it is the hardest part for me because then I know that I will have to risk actually doing it then. The other question says a lot about where my heart is. For me failure is not nearly as bad as missing the opportunity. If I fail, at least I tried moving forward. The only way to never fail is to never risk anything. Not much reward in that. If I am afraid the others will view me as a failure then I am looking in the wrong place to begin with. Much rather have others see me as a failure, than God watching me fail to act on His prompting in my heart. What risks are you wrestling with? Find someone to tell today.


What is your intitial reaction when you hear the word devastated? For me, I think of the hurricanes that have recently hit Louisiana and Texas. The destruction of everything so much so that it has to be built all over again. Or another thought is when someone's life is totally turned upside down by the circumstances they face in their life. This past Sunday we sang a song by Watermark called "Captivate Us". There is line in the song that caught my attention that morning and kept running through my mind the rest of the day. The line that kept circling through my mind was "Devastate us with Your presence". Does my life reflect the devastation of God's presence? Has all of the clutter that fills my life been totally destroyed so that He can build from scratch what He wants in my heart? Am I willing to ask God to devastate me? How would our lives change if we held on to the things in our lives (relationships, work, possessions, etc.) loosely enough that if God turned our status quo upside down that we would thank Him for devastating us?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Short term memory loss

I watched an interesting movie last night with some friends. The basic idea running throughout the movie was how the main character could not remember anything in the short term. To remember something he would take pictures, write it down and for some things he would even tatoo it on his body. Got me thinking about how that is my story in remembering God. I see Him do amazing things in my life and around me and then in no time at all I have forgotten it. I am back running, trying to figure out what I am doing and where I am suppose to be going. My memory of the awe that God inspired yesterday is but a distant memory just out of my reach. Maybe I am the only one who has short-term memory loss regarding the incredible God I try to serve, but I doubt it. In Proverbs 7:3 he instructs us to write his words on our heart. Think he might have known that we would suffer with short-term memory problems? What should I tatoo in my heart to remember Him? Do you need to write something in your heart?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What difference does it make?

Here is a question that I read last night from Tim Stevens' book "Pop Goes the Church" that I have since been trying to decide how I would answer it. The basic question that he raised in his introduction was would the community be impacted if your church ceased to exist tomorrow? Does your local body of believers have an impact on the community? If not, have we become so inward focused and live in a Christian bubble that we forget to love others? Good question that we should continually be asking ourselves.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pursue being naked

Confession time - I have an index card in my Bible that simply says "Pursue being naked". Not sure where I even heard transparency first described that way, but I like using the word naked as often as possible. I mean how many times do you get the chance to use the word naked when talking about spiritual things? It is fun and it throws some people off a little bit. (Not my friends, but I am sure it does some people.) The thing is a lot of time when we opt for being transparent it is a lot like we are standing naked in front of people. We spend a lot of time developing our image (I thing Sprite was on to something there - "Image is everything") and to risk being transparent with people will show the real us without any pretense. I think some people may even choose to be naked in front of people before being completely transparent. To be transparent with someone means you are willing to risk being real. The good, the bad, the ugly - it will all be there when you truly open up with someone. Being transparent means you are willing to risk your image to go deeper with that person. If we are not transparent with others, then how do we develop trust with someone? Uncomfortable - definitely, but also well worth it. Had a conversation with a friend recently where I had to admit that I was building a wall between us. I didn't know how to start the conversation or even really what to say, but I knew that I had to put it out there for discussion if I wanted be tranparent with him. Image doesn't really mean that much in the end, but a real and honest relationship - priceless! So are you ready to start being naked?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


At lunch today I heard U2's "With or Without You" from the Joshua Tree album. That is probably one of my favorite albums of all time. The album has been out a long time but it still brings back certain feelings whenever I hear it. Some songs remind me of certain people or places, but this song is more a reminder of a period in my life. It brings back memories of being carefree and seeming to have everything still out in front of me. Whenever I hear a song from that album, it makes me want to take the day off and just go hang out with friends. (Lots of songs do that for me though.)

Also today, I had the opportunity to talk with a friend that I used to be pretty close to. Talking to him brought to mind the times we shared together and the things we used to talk about. A simple conversation brought back lots of reminders of the past experiences we shared. These two things got me wondering what type of reminders am I leaving. What are the imprints that my relationship leaves on people's lives? We are all impacting other people each day. Am I intentional with the reminders that I am building? What words will those people use to describe me? Do we treat these moments more like those forgetable songs that we hear and then quickly forget about? Are we investing in people's lives today so that 20 years from now it will create an impact or are we creating a one hit wonder that nobody remembers?

Monday, September 22, 2008

30 minutes earlier

Over the last several weeks I have been waking up at least 30 minutes and sometimes an hour and half before the alarm goes off. It has been awesome! I love my sleep (even though I used to consider myself a morning person, but not so much anymore), but during that time my mind has been flooded with ideas as I lay there in bed. Innovative, creative, passionate, and probably a little bit out there as well. This are the types of ideas that I can't seem to escape these days. Used to be when I couldn't sleep it was because I was stressed about work or worried about financial issues, but these thoughts give me a renewed energy that I have been missing. I still deal with financial worries (not so much the stress at work anymore), but they aren't the consuming thoughts. I have dreams and ideas that God is placing on my heart. The great thing is as I start to attempt some of these ideas that it doesn't even bother me if they fail. I am beginning to understand the phrase "consumed by God" in a way I have never understood before. My thoughts circle around Him continually and I want to try new things even though it stretches me or pulls me out of my comfort zone. Failing at these ideas may be hard, but not trying them would be even more painful. I am sure there will be many starts and stops along this process, but I don't want to lose the passion. The passion to do something that maybe we haven't ever done that way (innovative), or try something that shows God's creativity, and give of myself and our resources with wild abandon. I also love the fact that my wife supports me in these dreams that may stretch her beyond her comfort zone. We approach things differently and have different personalities but she is willing to try them even though it continues to require change (she likes consistency whereas I like change) and causes her to lose sleep (and she likes her sleep a lot so this a big sacrifice) as I throw my random ideas out there to discuss with her late at night. What dream is God planting on your heart? How can I help you achieve that dream?

Friday, September 19, 2008

Let's stop talking

Finished reading Francis Chan's "Crazy Love" this week while I was in Colorado. This is a book that I started reading awhile back and then set aside after reading a couple chapters. After another friend recently recommended it again, I decided to pick it back up and finish reading it. Powerful stuff. It prompted lots of thoughts for me, but the overall feel that I got from the book was let's start living the life that Jesus has called us to and stop talking about it. Several chapters are dedicated to examining ourselves according to scripture including the parable of the good soil. He writes, "a lukewarm Christian is an oxymoron: there's no such thing. To put it plainly, churchgoers who are "lukewarm" are not Christians. We will not see them in heaven." That hits deep with me. He doesn't want part of us, God wants all or nothing. Let's quit playing church and start living a radical, counter-cultural life. Enough talk. Let's put it into action. He writes, "God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through." Enough doing what we can accomplish and start doing what only God can accomplish. That will look different for each of us but we need to stop living to be safe and comfortable. What has God placed on your heart to do? Now do it.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

View from the mountains

Had the opportunity to spend several days in Colorado this week and I must say that it has to be one of my favorite places to visit. (One of the places I would consider moving to.) I got to spend lots of time outdoors seeing the amazing things that God has created. I spent one afternoon riding horses through part of the mountains and valleys; an afternoon running all over another mountain in a jeep doing a scavenger hunt that took us as high as 12,000 ft which is above the treeline; and then finally 3 hours of hiking up another mountain with incredible waterfalls and aspens changing into a beautiful golden color. I was so amazed by these beautiful sites and realize my limited descriptions don't even do the adventures justice. The thing I found hard to believe was that some people chose to stay at the lodge. Not venturing out to see or do anything new. 70 degrees and beautiful, but still content to just sit and watch TV.

I think God see us like those people a lot of times. He has created amazing things for us to do and see around us but we are content were we are. We choose to stay comfortable rather than venture out into the incredible things he has planned for us. How sad to miss out on the chance to be in the presence of the God who has unlimited creativity and love for us. Is God calling you out to a wild, unexpected, amazing adventure? I don't want to miss the chance to be amazed because I am too comfortable where I am at. Live expecting the next adventure God has planned for you and you won't be disappointed.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Predictable unpredictability

I've decided that one of the things I can count on in life is that it will be unpredictable. I love that! Now I'm not a huge fan of the security alarm going off for some random reason at 2:30 a.m. like it did this morning. Or the fact that it did it again 30 minutes later after I thought we had it fixed. (Finally disconnected it and that seems to work for the time being.) The unpredictable that I love is the mystery of how God works in people's lives. Had the chance to visit with a good friend of mine last night for 4 or 5 hours. I would have to say it was one of those "thin places" moments. The "thin places" is a term that I heard of from my brother-in-law which basically means that place where the space between us and the Kingdom is thin and we catch a glimpse of God. I love those moments! I was thinking on the way home about the conversations that we had just had about how God was moving in our lives and reflecting on a totally different conversation that I had with that same person less than a year ago. If I took that snapshot in time from out conversation a year ago, there is no way that I could have predicted that I would have been sitting with him discussing the things we did last night. The funny thing is that we lay out our plans or try to anticipate what is coming next when the only thing we can really guess correctly is that we have no idea what God might bring along our path next. I wouldn't have it any other way. How has God been moving unpredictably in your life?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How much do our words mean?

Rambling thought (or rant?) for the day. Is it just me (very likely) or does anyone else get tired of hollow statements? Let me explain what I mean by a hollow statement. The biggest culprit is the infamous "How are you doing?" as the person walks away without even really waiting for an answer. Really? Why bother? I know it is a fill-in similar to "How about the weather?" for conversation, but when people I know ask me that question I tend to think they really want to know. Turns out that most of the time they don't. Another one that I've heard several times lately is "Man, we need to get together soon." To me that implies that some sort of effort will be made to actually make that happen. A call to maybe go grab lunch or go to Starbucks and talk for awhile, something. Turns out I was wrong on that one too. I know these aren't big deals and that I've probably been guilty of making similar hollow statements, but I've found that it is gradually making my heart more and more callous to those people and also less willing to trust them or their sincerity. I want to take people at their word, but when we treat our words so casually they tend to be worth little to nothing in my opinion. Words mean little to me when they aren't backed up by our actions. I hear "I value your friendship" but without any action I tend to doubt it. For me actions do speak louder than words. Again this is probably just my warped view of the world.

Potential...what could have been

I am your typical "the glass is half full" type of person. (Sometimes even seeing it as full while others argue with me that it is empty.) I see lots of potential around me in the people I am fortunate enough to cross paths with. The person who has the potential to be an incredible leader, the idea that has great potential to create significant changes in people, the person who could develop into an amazing friend, you get the idea. Lots of potential, "but"... the one single word that limits those possibilities. Potential to be an incredible leader, but chooses to follow instead. Great idea, but we never act on making it happen. Potentially amazing friendship, but we don't have the time to invest in that person. The thing about potential is that at some point it stops being potential and becomes "what could have been". Potential becomes regret or missed opportunities that we may not have again. The longer we wait on acting on that potential, the more likely it is to pass us by.

The thing is I can see all sorts of potential around me, but I can't even imagine the potential that God sees in us. The wild, incredibly exciting ideas and relationships that he sees waiting around the corner for us, "but" we are too busy for or don't take the time to invest in. His heart must break at the "what could have been" moments that we miss out on. What potential is in front of you? What friendship or idea is waiting for you to live up to your potential? Don't wait until it becomes a "what could have been" moment, start acting on it now.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Transparent - free of deceit. Vulnerable - open. These two words describe what I desire in my close friendships. For some reason, especially for guys, these don't come easily. We are taught to always play it close to the vest and not let people see where we are vulnerable. If you are open with your weaknesses, then someone can take advantage of you or use that against you. So walls are built. Walls that keep people from knowing what you really think and feel. I'm tired of discussion about sports or work all of the time. (Don't get me wrong I like to talk about sports, work..not as much, but if that as far as the conversation goes then I lose interest.) I want discussions about dreams, what decisions we are dealing with, what we are learning in life, and thoughts we are wrestling with. To risk being tranparent with someone means you are willing to be vulnerable. To let someone behind the walls to see what is really going on. Can we as guys stop taking the easy way out and take some real risks and be honest? It is time to man up. As someone who is trying to follow Jesus, I have often heard the quote "as iron sharpens iron" in describing what our relationships should be about. Well, from what I see most of the time we fall way short of sharpening one another. We are content being dull and building our walls brick by brick. Find someone you trust and start being real and transparent with that person. Don't wait on them to take the intiative, but risk being vulnerable and share what is going behind the walls of your life. Need a starting point? Here are some great questions that I ran across today on Craig Groeschel's blog. Don't wait for the opportune time, but find somewhere to start today. Let's move beyond the dull and into the risky.
  • How is your relationship with God?
  • When is the last time you failed?
  • What faith risk are you currently taking?
  • What hard decision have you been postponing?
  • Who is speaking into your life and what are you learning?
  • What is you biggest vulnerability?
  • What are you dreaming about that you haven't told anyone about yet?
  • If God would bless anything you did, what would you attempt?
  • Do you have any ongoing sin issues? What are you doing about it?
  • Are you doing what God has called you to do? If not, what can I do to help you to find the right fit?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Sometimes wresting with the truth can be painful. The following is a quote from Brennan Manning's "The Importance of Being Foolish".

To ascertain where you really are with the Lord, recall what saddened you the past month. Was it the realization that you do not love Jesus enough? That you did not seek his face in prayer often enough? That you did not care for his people enough? Or did you get depressed over a lack of respect, criticism from an authority figure, your finances, a lack of friends, fears about the future, or your bulging waistline?

Conversely, what gladdened you the past month? Reflection on your election to the Christian community? The joy of saying slowly, "Abba, Father"? The afternoon you stole away for two hours with only the gospel as your companion? A small victory over selfishness? Or were the sources of your joy a new car, a Brooks Brothers suit, a great date, great sex, a raise, or a loss of four inches from your hips?

Looking back

Read a blog this morning that caught my attention. It was talking about how we need to slow down and see the things around us as it isn't so much about the destination as it is the journey. I think we can get so focused on where we are heading that we often fail to see where we are at and where we have been. I like looking back. It brings to mind various people that I've shared life with. It isn't uncommon for me to run into someone I coached in soccer, who I used to work with, or who I knew from church. If it is someone I haven't seen in awhile, the conversation usually starts "Remember when..." I like those "remember whens". Those are part of my journey that I got to share with that person. Some people I am still on that journey with and I want to slow down enough to realize and appreciate that. If I am so focused on the destination then I miss out on more of those "remember when" moments. Those are what make it worth it. It is kind of like many of the youth trips that I have been on. The destination may have been a CIY conference or retreat, but the reality is the fun we had, the conversation that took place on the bus or late at night in a dorm room, the random, unexpected events that happened are what create the "remember when..." moments. Stop and think back about the journey you have taken so far. What people have you had the opportunity to share in your journey? Who is on that journey with you now? To quote Ferris Bueller "Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

Monday, September 8, 2008

Tough thoughts to grasp

Currently reading "The Importance of Being Foolish: How to think like Jesus" by Brennan Manning. This is the first book I've read of his and it definitely has some deep concepts to get my mind around. The current chapter is called "Transparency" which talks about allowing Christ to become transparent in our personality. The part I have been thinking about all afternoon is this quote from Kierkegaard which describes two types of Christians - "those who imitate Jesus Christ and the second, much cheaper brand - those who are content to admire him." Do I view the gospel from a distance like I would a painting in a museum or am part of the drama playing a role in the play? Want to say that I am part of the play but don't know that my actions support that claim. Good thoughts to wrestle with.

Also, I wanted to let you know several good books that I have read in the last couple of months that I would recommend if you are looking for something new to read:
  • "Wide Awake" by Erwin McManus - You have something to offer the world. A challenge to go beyond settling in life and live up to your greatness by living wide awake.
  • "the organic God" by Margaret Feinberg - Back to the basics in your relationship with God. Strip your preconceived ideas about God and discover an authentic relationship with him.
  • "Starving Jesus: Off the Pew, Into the World" by Craig Gross & J.R. Mahon (founders of XXX Church) - Time for Christians to stop starving Jesus by being born again lazy. Radical and in your face challenge to give, pray and fast.
  • "Wild Goose Chase: Reclaim the Adventure of Pursuing God" by Mark Batterson - The adventure of following the Spirit through life with all of its mystery, unpredictability and danger. Having no idea where you are going to go.
  • "Danger Wonder: The Adventure of Childlike Faith" - Mike Yaconelli - Jump first. Fear later. Recapture the joy of being a child in your relationship with God.
  • "The Shack" - William P. Young - a fictional story that gives you a new way to see God and how he loves you.

Argument with God

Had an interesting discussion/argument with God early this morning. Of course I lost the argument (or was a winner because I lost), but it didn't stop me from trying to plead my case. Don't know if you have read about the 5 love languages, but basically mine are quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch. (FYI - the other two are gifts and acts of service in case you were wondering.) This is one of the filters that I see my friendships through. I often question if those relationships are real based on how much quality time am I getting to spend with those people, do they verbally confirm those relationships, am I getting my weekly requirement of hugs, etc. (Thankfully I don't ever seem to question this with my wife. Another area she is amazing in.) I want to know that I am accepted and our friendship is valued. As I was whining again to God about me not feeling accepted in some relationships, he said "I love you". I was like yeah I know that but I don't feel that from others. His response - "but I love you". But... "no, I love you". That is when the discussion was over. (Like I ever really had much of a chance anyway. I am sure he finds humor in our efforts to display our knowledge compared to his infinite knowledge.) At that point it struck me again that his love is so overwhelming and so much more than I can imagine that I can never explore the entire depth of it or find where it runs out (which it doesn't). Do I still want/need those other relationships in my life? Sure, but they don't define whether I am loved and accepted or not. They are just the extra icing on the cake.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Is the balanced life a deception?

I hear a lot about living a balanced life but is that what we are really called to? Balance work, family, relationships, quality time with God, and _______ (fill in the blank). I don't do well with balance. I am an all or nothing type of person in most areas. What exactly does balanced mean? Equally splitting time between all of our options? I want to give my full attention to whatever area I am engaged in. I want an abundant life, but how does that work when I am trying to balance everything? I think I get what people mean when they say we should have a balanced life but is that what our goal should be? Is balance wrong? Probably not, but I think we settle for mediocre a lot of time because we are trying to balance it all. Shouldn't we strive for the best and not balance? More questions than answers, but I don't want to settle for things just because that's what everyone keeps saying. Wrestle with it awhile and let me know what you think about "the balanced life".

Friday, September 5, 2008


Are expectations a good thing or bad thing? We state that we have high expectations for someone. We offer friendship with no expectations. We ask people to commit to things that have certain expectations. A movie doesn't live up to our expectations. A person shows us kindness or forgiveness beyond our expectations. We have lots of expectations in life. Some big, some trivial. But which side of the fence do you land on? Should we have expectations or not? Is it good or bad to have expectations? I want to hear your voice. Let me know what you think.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Favorite topic

Relationships - a central theme of lots of discussions in our house. I am highly relational. I crave good conversations, spending time with friends and family, ready to have fun at a moments notice if a friend calls - these are some of the things that motive me. As much I enjoy the relationships in my life, they have also been some of the most frustrating times in my life as well. The thing is we are dealing with people. We have our ups and downs through life and that impacts how we view those relationships and how we treat those friendships. I have been through a season where I have just let go of some relationships that have been a big part of the last couple years of my life. It was a tough time of transition, but on the up side I am now entering some new ones. I get excited about really getting to know someone. Finding out what they are like and how the differences and similarities in our personalities can strengthen that relationship. What really motives me and what I wish everyone could experience are those deep, no-matter-what-happens type of friendships. Sadly I think most people settle for mediocre or take-it-or-leave relationships. We protect ourselves and aren't completely real in those relationships. We settle for okay when we could have great. Not all of our relationships are meant to be at that deep of a level, but I think we were created to have some of those in our lives. Those people who really know you. Not the mask we wear most of the time, but the real you. The scary part is taking that mask off so that they can get to know you. You are vulnerable and open, but the reward of that is the possiblity of an incredible friendship. My wife is the number one person in that category for me, but I also have 5 guys that I believe are absolute quality men whom I have that type of relationship with. The relationships run the gamut in personality types (athletic, artistic, quiet, center of attention, spur of the moment, structured), how long I've know them (less than year, 10 years, 15 years, 19 years and 23 years) and where they live (a couple here, one in Thailand, one in Atlanta, and another in Las Vegas). The biggest thing is we share life together in our desire to pursue God. I may not get to share in the day to day of life with each of these guys as often as I would like, but they are the ones I know will offer me the honest words I need to hear, provide me encouragement when I need it, be willing to have some fun together, and be real with me. The best thing that I have done in the last couple of years is specifically give several of these guys total access to my life (they all have it, but I haven't actually had that conversation with all of them yet). If they feel that something isn't right in my life, they can ask me about it. Whatever area of my life they want to talk about they have my permission to go there. May be a little scary at first to open yourself up like that, but man are the rewards of those type of friendships awesome. I know not everyone is as relational as I am, but couldn't you use some real friendships in your life? Don't wait on someone else to take the initiative, open yourself up and see what happens. Take the risk, it is so worth it!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

God Chaser

I don't usually notice bumper stickers as most of them are a little too cheesy for my taste, but this one caught my attention today. It simply said "God Chaser". That created an incredible visual image for me. Have you every played tag of some variety (freeze tag, cartoon tag, you get the picture)? The breathlessness from running, the energy from trying to catch someone, the focus of being totally in the game, the fun, the sense of nothing else matters - now imagine that in chasing God. God loves to be pursued by us. He even gives us glimpses of himself to keep us chasing after him. Want a wild, exciting life? Sign up to be a God Chaser. What an incredible game to spend our entire life playing and the reward when do "catch" him is so much better than simply be the winner of some other games we play in life. Want to join me in being a God Chaser?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Can you hear it?

This thought caught my attention today when I was reading - God didn't stop speaking, our lives became louder. Ever ask "Why don't I feel close to God anymore?" or "Why isn't God moving in my life?" I have. Matter of fact it wasn't that long ago. What I found out in my life was that everyday busyness, especially work, was the culprit and I hadn't even realized the full extent of it. The thing was I had become so busy with life that it was drowning out my ability to hear God. Not bad things, just normal, everyday life. If I was to describe me a couple of months ago, it would be dull or bland. A far cry from how I would want to be described. For me it meant changing jobs. I can't describe how much more alive I feel these days. I can engage in relationships (a high priority of mine) and am able to hear and see God in so many more areas of my life these days. My goal is to be described as the following type of person - "a Christian whose heart is on fire, who has no fear, who speaks the truth no matter what the consequences, who makes the world uncomfortable, filled with passion and gratitude, and unable to get over the grace of God." (paraphrased from "Dangerous Wonder" by Mike Yaconelli). The thing is unless I can hear God prompting me, I will never be able to accomplish that. Is your life so loud that you can't hear God?

Monday, September 1, 2008

The glacier of God

Ever ask if God was even listening? There seems to be no movement when you pray. Or the one I ask more frequently, why God? Why the suffering? Why the silence? Why don't they get it? The thing is God is constantly moving, he is powerful and he doesn't fear our questions. In the book I just finished reading ("the organic God" by Margaret Feinberg), she compares God to a glacier. I've never actually seen a glacier, but I would like to. Even more so now. She writes "The glacier makes me think of God, because like God, it is big, powerful, and constantly on the move. For hours on end, nothing appears to be happening. Ever so slowly, its presence is moving, carving, purifying and reshaping everything with which it comes into contact. God's presence in my life is like the glacier in that he is constantly pressing down, re-landscaping, and renovating the very core of who I am. He is breaking up the boulders and smoothing out the rockiest parts of my soul. He is reshaping me, and in the process he is redeeming. Like the glacier, God leaves a trail of new life behind." God is constantly moving. Maybe we don't see it in the everyday, but that doesn't change the fact he is moving in us. Shaping us and smoothing out those rough edges. Much like a glacier, I don't understand everything about God (Which I like the mysteriousness of God because I don't want something I can fully grasp. I like the fact he is beyond the limits of my imagination.) but knowing he is constantly moving is helpful for me when I can't see the small changes taking place in my life or in the situations around me.