Investing in other's lives build relationships. Real success is the relationships we build, the lives we touch, the people we love and those who invest in our lives. Give yourself away to others and you will find yourself in community. It's all about the people. That is your legacy.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Risking it or playing it safe?
- What risks am I wrestling with wanting to take...but have been afraid to vocalize?
- Am I afraid of failing or people viewing me as a failure?
Love the first question. I am learning that when I vocalize the things that I want to risk that is a lot more likely to happen. When I put it out there on the table for discussion then I instantly have other people who will challenge me to follow through. Sometimes taking the risk and saying it is the hardest part for me because then I know that I will have to risk actually doing it then. The other question says a lot about where my heart is. For me failure is not nearly as bad as missing the opportunity. If I fail, at least I tried moving forward. The only way to never fail is to never risk anything. Not much reward in that. If I am afraid the others will view me as a failure then I am looking in the wrong place to begin with. Much rather have others see me as a failure, than God watching me fail to act on His prompting in my heart. What risks are you wrestling with? Find someone to tell today.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Short term memory loss
Thursday, September 25, 2008
What difference does it make?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Pursue being naked
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Also today, I had the opportunity to talk with a friend that I used to be pretty close to. Talking to him brought to mind the times we shared together and the things we used to talk about. A simple conversation brought back lots of reminders of the past experiences we shared. These two things got me wondering what type of reminders am I leaving. What are the imprints that my relationship leaves on people's lives? We are all impacting other people each day. Am I intentional with the reminders that I am building? What words will those people use to describe me? Do we treat these moments more like those forgetable songs that we hear and then quickly forget about? Are we investing in people's lives today so that 20 years from now it will create an impact or are we creating a one hit wonder that nobody remembers?
Monday, September 22, 2008
30 minutes earlier
Friday, September 19, 2008
Let's stop talking
Thursday, September 18, 2008
View from the mountains
I think God see us like those people a lot of times. He has created amazing things for us to do and see around us but we are content were we are. We choose to stay comfortable rather than venture out into the incredible things he has planned for us. How sad to miss out on the chance to be in the presence of the God who has unlimited creativity and love for us. Is God calling you out to a wild, unexpected, amazing adventure? I don't want to miss the chance to be amazed because I am too comfortable where I am at. Live expecting the next adventure God has planned for you and you won't be disappointed.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Predictable unpredictability
Thursday, September 11, 2008
How much do our words mean?
Potential...what could have been
The thing is I can see all sorts of potential around me, but I can't even imagine the potential that God sees in us. The wild, incredibly exciting ideas and relationships that he sees waiting around the corner for us, "but" we are too busy for or don't take the time to invest in. His heart must break at the "what could have been" moments that we miss out on. What potential is in front of you? What friendship or idea is waiting for you to live up to your potential? Don't wait until it becomes a "what could have been" moment, start acting on it now.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
- How is your relationship with God?
- When is the last time you failed?
- What faith risk are you currently taking?
- What hard decision have you been postponing?
- Who is speaking into your life and what are you learning?
- What is you biggest vulnerability?
- What are you dreaming about that you haven't told anyone about yet?
- If God would bless anything you did, what would you attempt?
- Do you have any ongoing sin issues? What are you doing about it?
- Are you doing what God has called you to do? If not, what can I do to help you to find the right fit?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
To ascertain where you really are with the Lord, recall what saddened you the past month. Was it the realization that you do not love Jesus enough? That you did not seek his face in prayer often enough? That you did not care for his people enough? Or did you get depressed over a lack of respect, criticism from an authority figure, your finances, a lack of friends, fears about the future, or your bulging waistline?
Conversely, what gladdened you the past month? Reflection on your election to the Christian community? The joy of saying slowly, "Abba, Father"? The afternoon you stole away for two hours with only the gospel as your companion? A small victory over selfishness? Or were the sources of your joy a new car, a Brooks Brothers suit, a great date, great sex, a raise, or a loss of four inches from your hips?
Looking back
Monday, September 8, 2008
Tough thoughts to grasp
Also, I wanted to let you know several good books that I have read in the last couple of months that I would recommend if you are looking for something new to read:
- "Wide Awake" by Erwin McManus - You have something to offer the world. A challenge to go beyond settling in life and live up to your greatness by living wide awake.
- "the organic God" by Margaret Feinberg - Back to the basics in your relationship with God. Strip your preconceived ideas about God and discover an authentic relationship with him.
- "Starving Jesus: Off the Pew, Into the World" by Craig Gross & J.R. Mahon (founders of XXX Church) - Time for Christians to stop starving Jesus by being born again lazy. Radical and in your face challenge to give, pray and fast.
- "Wild Goose Chase: Reclaim the Adventure of Pursuing God" by Mark Batterson - The adventure of following the Spirit through life with all of its mystery, unpredictability and danger. Having no idea where you are going to go.
- "Danger Wonder: The Adventure of Childlike Faith" - Mike Yaconelli - Jump first. Fear later. Recapture the joy of being a child in your relationship with God.
- "The Shack" - William P. Young - a fictional story that gives you a new way to see God and how he loves you.