Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wonder what it means to you?

I've heard the term accountability thrown around in church a lot but wonder if people really understand what it means. I have my thoughts, but wonder how you would define it? What does it look like to you lived out in every day life? Part of my goal this year is to listen more and talk less (Kind of hard to do on a blog, but want to try it occasionally anyway. Don't want to be too predictable.), so what do you think? Have you ever experienced it and do you think it is necessary? Let me hear your thoughts.

1 comment:

Chris Ediger said...

It means walking alongside. It means realizing that you were not created to walk alone. It means recognizing that we are stronger when we are together.

It doesn't mean "drill me with a weekly moral pop quiz." It doesn't mean sit around and have deep talks every time you are together.

I believe it isn't something that is created, but rather realized. But it takes initiative. While we have been created for community our natural tendency is to withdraw and protect and to be independent. We must intentionally recognize our need for others in our lives and pour into that pursuit.