Sunday, February 15, 2009

Weekend update

Some more random thoughts from the weekend so far (Love these 3 day weekends. BooYah!)
  • We watched Newsies last night with Shanna and it made me wonder what it would be like if we randomly started singing during our day like they do in musicals. Also though it would make life more interesting if we all broke into choreographed dancing where we all somehow knew the steps. Would love to set it up where a group of people during a meeting or something would break into a song or dance similar to in a musical. That could be very entertaining.
  • Another Newsies note. For those of who haven't seen it (come on it came out in 1992), it stars Christian Bale - yeah the Dark Knight himself. Tried imagining him in a third addition of Batman breaking out into song or a dance routine as the Dark Knight. I'm warped, what can I say.
  • Lisa and I went to see "He's Just Not That Into You" on our day after Valentine's date. Made me think that life would be so much simpler if we just actually said what we meant instead of playing games. Decent date movie (yeah, probably more a chic flick, but my wife happens to be a chic so go figure).
  • We also ate at Oliveto for the first time tonight. Liked the atmosphere and the food was pretty good. It is the new restaurant concept by Zio's.
  • Took a couple of things away from this morning's sermon that I am still thinking about. One being that we may have a personal relationship with Jesus, but it isn't a private one. We are meant to live in community not by ourselves. Think that a lot of people use the personal relationship idea as a way to keep anyone from challenging them or their ideas. The other has to do with the role of elders (pastors, shepherds, or whatever other term may fit). I don't think a lot of people see this role beyond the ones who handle the financial decisions in the church. Unfortunately, I also don't think some who serve carry out their responsibilities beyond those either.
  • We are going through Andy Stanley's "Twisting the Truth" video series in bible class. Good stuff to think about. Basically, Satan takes the truth and twists it just enough so that we end up way off target in the end. Read the account in Genesis. He hasn't changed his tactic too much since the time in the garden. Still seems to work for him a lot of the time.
  • Ready to start reading through "Crazy Love" again as that is the next series/book that we are going to go through in bible class. Curious to see what thoughts it prompts in the class. Definitely challenges the status quo, which I happen to like.

1 comment:

brianj33 said...

Love the idea of the Dark Knight breaking into song. I'm looking forward to listening to the sermon. I read the basic manuscript & was pretty excited about his direction. I'm looking forward to catching up w/ you too.