Monday, February 23, 2009

"Mad Church Disease" wrap up

Finished reading "Mad Church Disease" by Anne Jackson today. Can't say that it was anything really new to me, but it was a good reminder of some steps on keeping your health (mentally, spiritually, relationally and physically) in check especially for those on staff in ministry. I did like some of the questions at the end of the chapters (she calls them the "exam room") that were very practical steps in applying the various topics discussed. If you are on staff, or even if you are just heavily involved as a volunteer, I would recommend it as a good book to read. I have experienced it and seen it many times in people who burnout in ministry. You run full speed ahead without taking notice or often flat out ignoring the warning signs that you may be on the fast track to burnout. The book is a good chance to do a little self evaluation or better yet give those close to you the chance to help you check where you are at currently. I think some of her recommendations and reminders help provide a little preventative care that can be very helpful in keeping you from burning out. A quote from Charles Swindoll in the last chapter called processing through pain - "Don't get older; get better: Live realistically. Give generously. Adapt willingly. Trust fearlessly. Rejoice daily." Sounds like a good plan to me for living out each day.

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