Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What I think I think today

Random thoughts bouncing around in my head today...
  • Love the fact that the two people who commented on my blog from yesterday about taking risk are the two people I know who are in another part of the world because they felt prompted by God to jump. They may question it, but they are the type of risk takers I was talking about.
  • Rainy days are some of my favorites. The sound of the rain is very comforting to me. I tend to be more reflective of these types of days for whatever reason.
  • Does anyone else find it interesting that Jesus calls us to love the people we have the hardest time loving? Talk about turning things upside down on us.
  • Have you told the people who are influencing you, investing in you and impacting your life thank you recently? I don't think we do enough of this. I may tell other people about them, but I need to let them know what difference they are making in my life today. It could be the difference in their day.
  • Threw two ideas out in our sunday school class this last week and I am curious which one we decide to pursue. One being collecting coats, hats, and gloves to hand out to the homeless before winter sets in. If we do this, I would love to collect enough to give everyone who attends the John 3:16 Missions thanksgiving dinner a set. The other idea is helping a family who is serving in ministry by meeting their practical needs and showing them an abundance of love. They are trying to serve but don't seem to be receiving the support of their community. What a statement we could make by giving to them just because we appreciate their sacrifices.
  • Two things placed on my heart regarding the bigger picture. Trade As One ( brings jobs to poor countries by offering everyday products for sale. Haven't checked it all out yet, but think it is worth looking into. The other is the global food crisis. Check out for some t-shirts that you can buy from Compassion International to help fight starvation. (Thanks Beth for this link.)
  • Amazed that a couple of my friends put up with me when I could either best be decribe as a tool or high school drama queen. (You know who you are and I thank you for enduring me during those times.)
  • Want to be a leader, just not sure what that looks like for me right now.
  • Love the e-mails that I've seen regarding the impromptu church we experienced last Friday night. Those moments should be the norm and not the exception.

Well those are my thoughts on this rainy Wednesday morning. Today is an excellent day to make a difference in a world looking for people who look like Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I checked out today. They have some stuff that we really could purchase. The prices are probably double (maybe not quite that much). Beth & are going to think about what we could do. One question that we'll have to consider (which could be considered a cop-out question) is, "Would we do more by saving our money to buy here and sending the profits to charities, or would doing this keep us from supporting some charities?" But we do see the value in giving people a job. It will have such positive impacts on their economy. We'll keep thinking about it.