Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thinking outside the box

I have heard and used the term "thinking outside the box" many times, but I don't think that is a good term for me. Here is what I've realized... that my idea of thinking outside the box could very well be in someone else's box. I want to surround myself with people who see things differently than I do. This helps expand how I see things and shapes my perspective. Sometimes it is hard for me to grasp how someone else perceives things but it is good to have those conversations. Wrestling with new thoughts and different ways of thinking widens my perspective. Isn't that what thinking outside the box is supposed to do... help you see things in a different way. So can you by yourself, think outside the box? I don't think so. For our perspectives to change we have to have someone help us change the filter or lens we are viewing things through. Imagine if you had a camera and used only one lens or setting all of the time. To you the pictures may look outstanding, but if someone else comes along and has you try a different lens you may realize what you saw before was really out of focus. The lens helps you see things you may have missed before but you would have never have know that without someone else's influence. I am learning (seems this is going to be lifetime project for me) that I need those different voices in my life. May be frustrating at times as I feel we are talking a different language and seeing two totally different pictures, but those differences are what is helping to shape who I am and how I view the world. So, Lane and Brian, thanks for being two of those people who are currently stretching my perspective. Seeing things from your view of the box has helped shaped my view of the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NO Problem! I'm glad we can have our world shaping talks. they're SO valuable for me! I appreciate your honesty (whether brutal or gentle) and perspective.
