Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thoughts from another world

Read this quote from Madeleine L'Engle in John Ortberg's new book that made me stop and think
Those who believe they believe in God
but without passion in the heart, without anguish of mind,
without uncertainty, without doubt, and even at times without despair,
believe only in the idea of God, and not in God himself.
Like that quote a lot because I often have doubts and uncertainty. I think I know what God desires but often question the way it all works. My doubts and questions often lead to a deeper faith in God because I can't wrap my mind around it.
Some random thoughts from the last couple of days:
  • Want to know what a person is really like? Take a trip to Vegas with them. Since anything seems to be fair game here, people tend to bring out into the open the things they normally think or do in private. Interesting things to learn about people and yourself.
  • If the money that was spent by people in Vegas in one night was put towards some of the bigger global issues like clean water in Africa or aids, I think a huge impact could be made globally.
  • People that are drunk aren't nearly as funny as they think they are. Would love to video tape some people and play it back to them a couple days later. They just don't get it.
  • Recommend John Ortberg's new book "Faith & Doubt". Like the open and transparent feel of the book. Good topics to discuss.
  • Think my personality is changing somewhat over the last several months. Maybe not changing but parts are coming out more. Seem to be more passionate about things (probably the result of being free from the stress I was under at my old job) and venturing into new areas of interest. Love the diverse influences in my life right now.
  • Not sure how anybody finds the information at tax training "amazing". Heard several comments like that yesterday and had to laugh. Seriously? This is amazing to people? I think they need to get a life.

Well those are a few of my thoughts from the other planet I am living on this week.

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