Friday, October 24, 2008

Stop doing list

My wife is the master of to do lists. Me not so much. I wing it and hope my memory serves me well (or better yet ask her to write it down on her list). Most people, whether that write it down or not, have a to do list. We keep adding things to our list that need to get done, but do we have a stop doing list? I often hear people saying that they have no free time or margin in ther lives. They are so stressed out and need an extra couple of hours each day to just get done what they need to. Well, last time I checked I don't think we can add any extra time in a 24 hour day. So why don't we create a stop doing list? I think learning to say no to things is hard for most people. A good idea comes along and we want to jump on board. Great, but what are you going to take off your to do list to make room for it? I've learned over the last several years for me to have the type of relationships that I want that I have to create margin in my life and schedule. Sometimes that means saying no to something so that I keep that margin. I can't really think of anything that I've said no to that I feel that I missed out on, but I know that I would be where I am at today if I hadn't created time for those awesome relationships that I have. So my question is what do you need to put of your stop doing list? Actually make a list right now. What things are eating up the margin in your life?

1 comment:

anxiously hopeful said...

Reading blogs. :) I think I'll just have to wittle down the list of blogs I frequent. Don't worry yours isn't on it. Honestly, I think that's a great idea. It saddens me to see all of the families running around frantically missing out on life.