Wednesday, September 23, 2009

You or others?

What does selfless look like to you? Do you know it when you see it? More importantly do you practice it?

Want to be counter-cultural? Being selfless is about as counter-cultural as you can get. We are told to be successful you have to look out for number one. And according to what I read and see most of the time, it is about what you deserve in your life (and apparently their is a lot of stuff that we deserve). It is all about me. What I want and how I am going to get it.

Being selfless says it is about others. Finding ways to put others in front of ourselves. Putting them before my wants. Selflessness will mean sacrifice. Sacrifice of your time, your "rights", your pride and possibly your money. Being selfless isn't for the weak. It requires discipline. It requires commitment. It requires you to be intentional.

Is it about you or others? No easy way around that question. Are you going to choose to be selfless or selfish? I don't know if there is really any in between.

Who do you know that displays selflessness? Take a minute and thank them. They don't do it for the thanks, but we still need to thank them. What will be your choice for today - yourself or others?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"No easy way around that question. Are you going to choose to be selfless or selfish? I don't know if there is really any in between."

Good call. I don't think that there is any in between. It's like saying something is perfect or imperfect. No such thing as in between. If someone is the slightest it un-selfless...they are selfish. But maybe I'm too black and white...
