Monday, September 21, 2009

What is your choice?

"God isn't obsessed with our happiness...but His holiness" - Perry Noble

But are we obsessed more with our own happiness? I wonder if we take a hard look at our prayers if they aren't more focused on our happiness than His kingdom. Not to say that God doesn't care if we are happy, but that isn't His priority. He is more concerned about who we are and who we are becoming than our happiness or lack thereof. Do we care about His holiness as much as our happiness? Do we choose ourselves or His kingdom?

What keeps you awake at night - your circumstances or God's plan for His kingdom? I've had little sleep the last couple of nights, but honestly it has been more about my circumstances than His holiness. Maybe I need a change of perspective. Maybe a view from what God finds important will help shape what I should find important.

So what are you going to choose to be obsessed with... happiness or holiness? It always comes down to our choice.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Happiness alone (as we are) is spiritual death. Holiness is spiritual life. It's like when people talk about practicing tough love; you won't allow someone you love to continue as they (we) are.

You have to grow to live.

My thoughts