Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday morning

Lots of different thoughts running through my head this morning. So I thought I would share a few of those with you. Not completely thought out, but some random bullet points to start off your Tuesday (which seems like a Monday).

  • Life is tough in the mundane for me. The little details that play out. The routine that doesn't have much new in it. When things are out of control, I know I can't handle it so I turn to God and to others for help. But the mundane is another story. It seems to slowly pull me out of my rhythm. The slow drift seems to be more dangerous than the huge mountain. The huge problem requires a game plan, a plan of attack, but the everyday normal sneaks up on you. I end up slowly farther away in my relationship with God and others.

  • "Trust is not a pass/fail class. There are degrees and shades of trust. Discerning the different dimensions is the first step toward developing more trust. My level of trust in someone is often about my own moods, experiences and perceptions. I must monitor these conditions and factor them in." Some thoughts about trust from Steven Furtick's blog. Trust is one of the highest values in relationships for me. Some good thoughts to help me redefine what trust is and maybe more importantly what it isn't.

  • How wise are you? Been reading a lot through the old testament recently and just finished reading about Solomon not too long ago. He was one of the wisest people ever and know what he said - get advice from others. Find good counsel, the wise listen to others, get all of the advice and instruction you can - some of Solomon's advice about wisdom. Maybe it isn't about what we know. Maybe it is about who we should ask. Who is in your circle of influence that you are listening to?

  • After reading Amy Storm's blog this morning this phrase has stuck with me since then - "There is too much 'you' in you. Stop focusing on yourself, and start dwelling in His enduring love." Where is my focus? Is it on me and what I want? Wouldn't my focus be better used if it was on God and his enduring love?

  • One of the best decisions I've made recently was to take the B90X challenge. It is simply a plan to read the Bible in 90 days. Nothing magical about it, but it has brought a freshness to my time spent reading. Don't know if it is the fact that it usually involves reading about 15 chapters a day or the fact that I am reading 45 minutes or more each day. It has helped me to see the stories in the Bible in a new way. By the way, there are some really jacked up stories in the OT. Amazing to me that God didn't "clean up" those stories, but instead chose to include them. Maybe it points out how he can use anybody. Some really funny stuff in there as well. Stuff that makes me wonder why it was included. Maybe it points out God's sense of humor.


jamie said...

Welcome back. I agree with the slow drift theory. Its more dangerous than the Big upheaval. In fact, sometimes i see the upheaval as the opposite, like maybe its the (hidden blessing) fork in the road that forces you to make the choice.

Agree with you on the trust thing as well. Convinced that it is essential to make a relationship work. Love seems to be the transcendent thing that can go on and on without anything but a commitment or a decision on someone's part. But trust is organic and ebbs and flows with all the things you mentioned, like mood, perception etc. And where love seems to be able to be unconditional, it seems like faith/trust in the ebb and flow of real life seems to be closely tied to what actually occurs in our relationships, and how we experience them. I natural trust proven faithful friends, and struggle to trust in failed relationships.

Maybe these thoughts are not as random as 1st appear. I can appreciate the Solomon wisdom that suggests that counsel is the way to wisdom. And yet, trusted counsel is about building that relationship isn't it? Appreciate Amy's blog comment... too much you in you.

The bible is rated R, at best. Brutality, Sex (sometimes in descriptive form, see song of songs and Ezekiel). "Unwholesome language" (as a christian, when is the last time you used the word "whore" in a sentence?)
Violence that looks a little like something from the "Godfather" sometimes. It is not a family friendly read.

Gods world is a real world. Sometimes that looks as ugly as all of the harsh realities of life. Sometimes it looks incredibly hopeful and brilliantly beautiful.

as always. Thanks for this.

jamie said...


Also, since I have been following for about 5 months, i should probably become an official "follower". What do I need to do?

i will watch for response here or email.

See you.