Thursday, September 24, 2009

Who cares?

I wonder what I am missing. How many things slip by unnoticed in the busyness of life? Is someone hurting, but I'm too busy to notice? Does someone need a word of encouragement that may help them make it through the day? We have no problem pointing out the failures of others, but do we celebrate the things they get right?

It has been one of those weeks for me. One of those weeks were everything seems to hit at once. My inadequacies on display for all to see. My insecurities just right below the surface. Questioning every action and trying to figure out which way is up. Just hoping to make it through the day without adding one more thing to the list of things that I've done wrong. I was at the breaking point when I got an e-mail that simply said that someone noticed. He asked if there way anything I needed help with. It wasn't out of obligation. It wasn't for any other reason than he noticed something that made him wonder if everything was okay. And he asked. A simple e-mail that made a huge difference.

Makes me wonder how many people pass by me each day hurting. Putting on the smile and pretending everything is great when in reality they are in need of someone to notice them. Notice that they matter. It doesn't take much to ask them how they are really doing. It doesn't take much effort for me to write a note to tell someone that I notice the difference they are making. To let someone know they are loved just because. For me that means my focus needs to shift off of my problems and look for those opportunities. Take the time to notice what is happening in the lives of those around me. Who do you need to notice today? Who could use a simple note that says you care?

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