Thursday, September 10, 2009

What are you being asked to do?

What do you do when you've been asked to do something you don't want to, BUT know you should? I can come up with the excuses, make the justifications, find the rationalization to not do it, BUT still know in my heart that I need to just do it. (Sounds strangely like a Nike slogan.) That has to be one of the most annoying traits of God sometimes. He will let us do whatever we choose, BUT He still points out what is right. Not what is easy, not what is always the fun thing to do, not even what I want to do, BUT what is right in following Him. Following Him isn't about me, BUT about His purpose. His desire to show love to people through me. I want someone else to do it. I want to stand safely on the sidelines and watch it unfold in front of me, BUT he has asked me to do it. I want to look around and ask why not that person? They are more qualified. They have the right personality. Funny (not HaHa funny, but strange type of funny) that even though I know that He is perfect and holy, I am still arrogant enough to question Him about what is best. I love that annoying persistence. The persistence that means He never gives up on me even when I have to try it my way first. He could give up on me, BUT he continues to love me in spite of my arrogance. What have you been asked to do that you keep answering Him with "Yeah, BUT..."? Maybe it is time we get off our BUT and just do it.

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