Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Random ramblings

Lots of different rambling thoughts today. Also one of those days that I am not sure why I blog. Lots of questions, but not many answers - that pretty much sums up where I am at right now. Anyway, you guessed it, it is a bullet point day as my thoughts are so A.D.D. that I don't think I can stay on one topic. (Not that I usually do, but at least I usually try to.)
  • Can a person be too transparent? Also what is our motive for transparency? Is it to say this is where I am at and need help or is it to say this is where I am at, affirm me?
  • Am I a sponge when I ask for advice? Do I listen to it or am I looking for someone to agree with me?
  • Ever wonder why God has you in a certain place or situation? I so often feel that I am winging it, but still have the feeling that God has placed me there for a reason. Wish he would let me know what that reason is more often? (Maybe... I guess sometimes that reason may scare me more if I knew what it was.)
  • I envy people who approach life simply. Those who don't care what others think. Not saying it is right, but would be nice to not live in the tension most of the time.
  • Can't shake the feeling that God is stirring in my heart for the homeless. Not sure what I do with that yet, but don't think it is a coincidence that one of my new friends has this passion as well.
  • Am amazed at some of the changes I have seen in people recently. Good changes that I am glad that I get to be a part of.
  • Strange how a very difficult situation that I was involved in (winging it again) provided affirmation for me in the process.
  • Reading Seth Godin's book "Tribes" right now. A tribe is about connections. That sounds right up my alley.
  • Like this quote from Anne Jackson's blog "being the church can look different in different ways and different environments." Let's allow for creativity and what that can look like. The cookie cutter approach doesn't work.
  • Don't like when people don't follow through on what they say. Screams "you don't matter" in my head.
  • Seriously love reading blogs. Wonder how I could make a living by doing that?

Feeling a little reflective today. Probably won't post again until I feel I have something more worthwhile to say (or something funny happens, or something ticks me off, or ... yeah, I will probably post again tomorrow even if I don't have much to say. Can't seem to help it.)

1 comment:

Chris Ediger said...

Great minds... I'm reading Tribes right now, too! Enjoying it so far.