Thursday, December 11, 2008

AZero rocks my comfort zone

I really like AZero, our Wednesday night high school program. Lane's teaching usually manages to kick my butt and that is a good thing. I like that style of teaching/preaching that throws it out there in front of you and makes you wrestle with it. Definitely would say that teaching is one of Lane's gifted areas. Anyway, last night was a really cool time for me. Before we got started, I had the chance to catch up with one of our former students who is now in college. He is one of those success stories that makes you stick with youth ministry. A lot of time you see those students who decide to walk away from their faith during and after high school and it can break your heart and question why you even bother working with them. It is really encouraging and refreshing to talk with those students who have a passion for Christ and want to live out trying to follow Jesus. We had a small group and were definitely lacking in the guy department, but the worship time was amazing for me. I was in the back by David and it was so incredible to hear and see the passion he displays while we were worshipping. Worship time, in whatever form, is one of my favorite parts of any service and to be around others who pour themselves into that time is really encouraging for me. (By the way, Ryan did an awesome job of leading us in worship also.) I don't think I could summarize what all Lane covered so I won't even try, but I will share what I wrote down - "I suck at making Jesus famous." We are called to make our lives about Him and that is the bottom line. I realized how little I do that makes Jesus famous. I talk a lot about Him, but he wants more than our talk, he wants our whole lives to revolve around Him and about Him. I want my live to be about making Jesus famous. What does your life say to others?

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