Friday, December 12, 2008

The number 17

The number 17 as in the number of years that we will have been married this weekend. I know, most of you of you are thinking that's not possible because we don't look a day over 29 and you know we didn't get married when we were 12. Really, thinking about it though, it is surreal that we have already been married that long. The great thing is that even though we have known each other close to 20 years now, that I continue to learn new amazing things about my wife. As we have changed our marriage has also changed and grown stronger. I look at my parents who have been married for 48 years and think about how much more I get to learn about my my wife and the chance I have to find out more things to love about her as we move towards that. Here are 17 things that are true about my wife and our marriage:
  1. My wife's smile still captivates me
  2. She is an amazing listener
  3. I still love our date nights even though they may not be as creative as when we were dating
  4. Love that my wife will listen to my outrageous ideas and even try them sometimes
  5. We make it a priority to find time to talk about our lives and where we are at and where we are heading
  6. That ministry has been woven into our marriage
  7. That she is generous and loyal beyond my understanding
  8. That our sex life is incredible! (Yeah, I will be in trouble for saying that one on here even though it is true.)
  9. I had no idea what an wonderful, daring, winding road our lives would take when I proposed 17 years ago on Federal Hill in Baltimore
  10. My heart still skips a beat when we hold hands
  11. Am thankful that Becky (a mutual friend) made it possible for us to meet (Even though I about screwed it up by breaking up once. What a moron I was!).
  12. That we have incredible friends and family as part of our lives and cherish that immensely
  13. We will make it to Hawaii by our 20th anniversary
  14. Feel God has given me way more than I deserve or could have ever imagined for a wife
  15. Love when she rolls her eyes at my suggestions and pretends she doesn't like them
  16. That we still have fun in our marriage
  17. That I am more in love with her today than I thought was possible


anxiously hopeful said...

You are soooo in trouble with your wife! Congratulations.

Lisa said...

What a wonderful blog! You made me cry. I love you more now than when we got married too. I'm looking forward to celebrating many more anniversaries with you (God willing). And you are right about that one area but you really didn't need to share that with the world. I guess I forgive you. Happy Anniversary! I love you!