Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Conversation with God

Do you like challenges? Here is the latest one that God threw my direction.

God: Know that person that you are pissed at right now... call him and find a way to love him. (And yes I think God would use the word pissed. Ticked off just doesn't do it sometimes.)
Me: Come on, I don't need to do that. I am sure he is busy.
God: Talk to him.
Me: Can't I just keep being mad? Let my anger build up some more?
God: Now.
Me: I need some time to make sure I don't say something I will regret later.
God: I'm waiting.
Me: Okay. Fine.

I am so glad that God keeps at my heart. He is relentless in His love for us and wants us to be the same with others. Will I get mad again? Probably. And I will probably have to learn the same lesson over again. It isn't about me, it is about God's love. Hard to do? You bet, but if we are going to try to be like Jesus then we shouldn't expect things to be easy. Rewarding...definitely, but not easy To my friend that I was pissed at, I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me. What lessons are you learning these days?

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