Friday, March 27, 2009

What is God asking of you?

What is God asking you to do right now? Has he asked you to stay where you are at even though it might not be where you want to be? Serve someone who doesn't appreciate you? Does he want you to stay in the middle of the mess even though you don't know why? I was thinking about how when we talk about what God wants us to do that we usually see it as doing something exciting or new, but sometimes we are already in the spot he wants us. I am guessing that Noah didn't consider each day of building the ark to be that exciting, but it is because of that consistent hard work that we remember him. He was faithful to what God had called him to do. The little day to day things are what brought about the big day of when the rain came. We (by that I may mean only me) want the good gigs from God, the ones that are big and obvious in our opinion, but he may want us in a position where we are thinking "This isn't what I asked for or was expecting to do." We can't skip the journey in between. Those in between steps are where life happens and where we are shaped for what God wants us to do. So are you listening to God? He may be telling you that you are exactly where you need to be or he may be calling you to take a new direction. To know what he is asking of us requires us to do a lot of listening. So what is God asking of you right now?

1 comment:

kellimoss said...

this is so what i've been processing this week :) i've been reading about people this week who are so faithful and obedient despite circumstances. i actually made the comment last night that i hope when i face a difficult time that i remain faithful. lane pointed out that it takes being obedient and faithful in good times as well. that's been my prayer-the consistency!