Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Confession of inadequacy

Confession time. I struggle a lot with feeling accepted by people. I know who I am so therefore I have a hard time believing that people would desire a friendship with me if they get to know the real me. This week I have had one of my friendships probably run its course which brings up all of those feelings of inadequacy in me. The feeling of not being worth much and wondering if I have wasted my time investing in it. All that to say as I have stepped back a little from the situation it is amazing to see how well God knows me (he did create me after all) and has been building me up at the same time. This week I received an e-mail from another friend I don't get to talk to very often that basically just said thanks for being consistent in his life, an e-mail from another person I don't know very well that said they sent it to me because I seem trustworthy, a note from a new friend that said thanks for loving them. God was already addressing the thoughts he knew I would struggle with as this one friendship was ending. His way of letting me know he desires a relationship with me and loves me. I love the fact that He uses other people to show me how much He cares for us, even when we might be feeling hurt by someone else. How have you seen God working this week?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i had extremely similar experiences over the last week. completely understandable since we know the same God and tend to have some similar struggles in certain areas of life. Thanks for you and lisa being some of the people that contributed to my experiences over the last week.