Monday, March 2, 2009

"More God" versus "Enough God"

I am reading "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan again and can tell it is going to adjust my perspective all over again. I am pretty pumped as we are going to cover this book (along with the video series) in our Sunday school class over the next couple of months. I can't wait to see what might happen if it turns several people's world upside down like it is mine. My wife called me a radical last night, which I really don't believe I am, but I would love it if this book helped radically change the way some people see God and made us as the church more relevant in people's lives like we are suppose to be in bringing glory to God. Anyway, here is the thing that captured my thoughts today while I was reading.

Do you want "more God" or do you have "enough God"? I often think I desire to have more God in my life, but more often than not I live like I have enough God. I tend to live life trying to have just enough God to get by. Enough God to know that I am good enough. That I make the cut, even though I may have a few areas that I am lacking in. I want just enough God to be okay, but not really radical. I don't want to always be looking to serve the least of these, I don't want to love my enemies all of the time, to bring glory to God with every action, to pursue being like Jesus in everything I do - I want enough to know that I just make the grade and God will overlook the rest. Sound ridiculous to you? Honestly though isn't that how we as the church often approach the holy creator of the universe? We want just "enough God" to get by by and not "more God" that may upset our comfortable lives. We want "enough God" to feel good about ourselves, but not "more God" that may require us to do some radical things for Him. Are we consumed with being more and more like Jesus? Shouldn't people be saying that the church is doing some amazing things, but I don't want God in my life instead of that God might be alright, but I don't want anything to do with a bunch of hypocrites? I don't want to be the reason that people can't see Jesus or desire a relationship with God. If they reject God I don't want it to be because I am living with just "enough God" to get by. So what do you think? Are you living a life that screams I want "more God" or one that weakly proclaims that I have "enough God" for myself? To me when you boil it down, you probably fall in one or the other as there isn't really much in between those two.

Told you this book has helped turned my safe, little, comfortable world upside down. Ready to live a radical life?

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